99 [Two Pink Lines]

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99 [Two Pink Line]
Description: When you see the dreaded two pink lines on the pregnancy test, you fear the worst.

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This had to be a mistake; life had to be fucking with me. It had to be my recent lack of sleep that led to my eyes playing tricks on me. But no matter how tightly I closed my eyes the two pink lines didn't fade, not even an inch. If anything, with each passing second of fear the lines seemed to grow clearer.

Sure, my boyfriend and I had been careful but somehow I still ended up here. Young and alone as time seemed to march on without me. Well, that was a bit dramatic. I wasn't alone, but God, did I feel it. The closing of the front door awoke me from my dream-like haze.

"Y/N, are you home?" Lewis called. I looked in the mirror before I scrambled round the bathroom, grabbing all the pregnancy test wrappers to put them in the bin. "Y/N?" Lewis called again. Wiping my red, tear-stained eyes, I hurriedly tried to look like my normal happy self. I walked out of the bathroom and Lewis grinned. "There you are."

He swept me up into his arms as I half-heartedly hugged him back, still trying to take in the new information I had just received. Pulling back, Lewis frowned again, his brown eyes checking me over. He knew I wasn't my usual self and was looking for a sign of anything to tell him what was wrong. Choking back the tears, I smiled weakly hoping the fake smile would keep his questions at bay until I knew what I wanted to do.

It's not that I didn't want a child with Lewis, it was more the fact that this meant growing up and being responsible for another human being. A human who would need protecting and nurture from a world that could be so cruel in a heartbeat. Plus what would Lewis think?

"Okay, what's wrong?" Lewis questioned softly.

"I'm so sorry Lew," I whispered, barely managing to look him in the face. "I've ruined your life."

Panic flooded his face, not at the statement but more at how worked up I was getting. I felt warm tears streaming down my face. "Don't be silly, love," Lewis comforted as he led me to the sofa to sit down.

Shaking my head, I couldn't stop the onslaught of tears. "No you don't understand...I've ruined your life forever."

Coughing awkwardly, Lewis enveloped me in a hug, his hand stroking my back soothingly. "I'm sure you haven't...in fact I'm positive you haven't," He stated softly.

Sighing I took a deep breath; I had to tell him. "I'm pregnant," I curled into myself, half expecting a screaming match to begin.

Laughing, Lewis pulled me closer to his warm chest. "Is that all?" He added, the internal panic fading. Frowning I raised an eyebrow, brushing a lock of my hair out of my face.

"What do you mean is that all?" I questioned, half surprised and half concerned about how he seemed to blow off the bombshell I had just dropped.

"Y/N/N, you made it sound like the world was ending," Lewis chuckled again.

"So you're not mad?" I asked in disbelief.

Now it was his turn to shake his head wildly, his brown, dishevelled hair bouncing happily. "Of course I'm not mad. Since the day we met, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, and that includes having a family with you. Granted, I didn't want a baby this early, but nothing's perfect."

Kissing me lightly, Lewis smiled at me, his brown orbs shining aglow with delight.

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