Chapter 11

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~Chapter 11~

"Hannah..." someone kept saying, while nudging me.

"Stop that," I grumbled, blindly swatting at whoever was trying to wake me up.

He chuckled and the next thing I knew, my covers were ripped away from me and tossed on the floor. "Hey!" I yelled, indignant that someone had just stolen my blankets.

"Hay is for horses. What you need is some eggs and bacon, my love," he chuckled again and winked at me.

I rubbed my eyes so I could actually see who this rude stealer-of-the-covers was.

"Ugh.. you're so mean to me, you know that?" I looked at Cole with half-annoyed, half-amused eyes.

"Nah, I just know that you can't be sleeping the morning away while you're here, sweetheart. There's things to do, people to see!" He smiled this thousand-watt smile that I didn't even know was possible in the mornings.

I groaned and stuffed my face in the pillows, "What if I don't want to do things, or see people? What if I want to stay here and socialize with my bed, meaning sleep?!"

"You're funny. Come on! We're going shopping! Remember, you still need clothes?"

That woke me up. I shot out of bed and ran to the bathroom to get ready, slamming the door shut behind me. I heard laughing from the other side and I just rolled my eyes as I prepared to shower. 


We stepped out of his car and walked, hand in hand, toward the entrance of the mall. He was wearing dark jeans, high tops, and a green Abercrombie shirt while I was wearing the clothes I wore yesterday. Thankfully, they'd been washed.

"Where to first, sweetheart?" Cole asked, smiling down at me.

My heart skipped a beat when he called me that, and I hoped he hadn't noticed. "U-Umm, I don't know. You choose," I answered.

He laughed, "Hannah, we are shopping for your clothes, not mine."

I blushed. Good point. "Maurice's?"

"Lead the way, my lady." Cole winked, sweeping his arms in front of him like the gentlemen do in the movies.

I rolled my eyes at him, "You know the only reason guys do that is so they can look at the girl's ass as they walk."

My comment didn't even faze him. He just smirked (as always). "Really? How long'd it take you to figure that one out?"

I glared at him, "Are you calling me dumb?"

"Now, I never said that," he answered with a straight face, but I could tell he was trying to hold in a laugh.

"But you inferred that I was," I retorted.

"Okay, I did. But I'm just playing with you," he smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist, walking in the direction of Maurice's.

"You better have," I muttered grumpily, but smiling at the same time. But hey, could you really blame me? I was in Heaven right then with his arm around my waist.

He leant down and kissed my forehead, making my face turn a scarlet red color and my breath to catch in my throat.

Breathe, Hannah. You're not dying. He only kissed your forehead. Besides, you've kissed before and been perfectly fine. Just breathe.

"So, what is at this 'Maurice's' store anyways?" Cole asked, pulling me away from my pep talk, that, by the way, was not helping. At all.

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