2: Happy Birthday To Leo! (Canon)

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Author: This was requested by BattleDroid1106, enjoy!!!

Blood Gulch/Red Base
To the reds minus Leo, all standing in the middle of the base.

Grif: Sarge, whhhhyyy did you wake us up so early!

Simmons: And why didn't you wake Leo, up sir?

Sarge: Now men, your all probably wondering why I woke you all up so early, besides Leo.

Grif: We just said that!

Sarge: But, that's because today is a special day!

Simmons: Are you finally going to kill, Grif?

Sarge: No.... that's tomorrow! But, today is Leo's birthday today!

Simmons/Grif: ....

Donut: Really! This means I can make a birthday cake for him!!

Sarge: That's right Donut but, no hiding in the cake this time, num-nuts!

Donut: Alright!! (Runs off)

Sarge: Now, you two did get him a gift.. (Stern) right.

Grif: Well.. um.. we kind of forgot-

Sarge: (Cocks shotgun)

Grif: -To bring it here!

Sarge: You boys better not ruin this, now if you excuse me, I've got a gift of my own to wrap up! (Walks off)

The pair stand in silence, until Grif breaks it.

Grif: .....please tell me you got something.

Simmons: I forgot it was his birthday today!

Grif: I thought you marked it on your calendar or something!

Simmons: I did but, you took it and used it as a napkin! A NAPKIN!

Grif: Hey man, no-one likes a messy mouth and besides what else was I supposed to use?

Simmons: Oh I don't know maybe, an actual napkin!

Grif: To much work.

Simmons: (Sighs) Can we just find something for Leo.

Grif: What's there to find? There's like nothing in here that could be used as a gift!

Simmons: Surely there's something lying around here.

Simmons and Grif, begin to search the whole base, looking for anything that Leo would like as a gift but, sadly there was nothing. They walk out the base, standing in front of it, looking very worried.

Grif: We've searched the whole goddam base and we couldn't find one thing!

Simmons: I did find Donuts diary but, I don't think Leo would really want that.

Grif: Well, Sarge is definitely going to kill us, if we don't find anything.

Simmons: Maybe, the blues could have something!

Grif: The blues? They won't give us anything!

Simmons: Well, it's better then coming back to Sarge empty handed.

Grif: Fine then but, if this fails I'm blaming you.

The two start making their way, towards blue base in hope of finding a gift.

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