Chapter 2

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The next morning, Aragorn woke up confused.  He looked at the sky as he rubbed his eyes.  It was late!  He never slept this late, and even if he did, Legolas would have woken him.. Then he remembered falling asleep on his watch.. What was wrong with him? Perhaps he was getting ill..

He turned to where Legolas was sleeping to mouth him off for not waking him up, when he saw that his friend was gone.  He didn't think much of it at first though.  Legolas was probably hunting for breakfast or something.. But Aragorn disregarded that idea when he saw Legolas' bow, quiver, and knives laying on the ground.  He frowned.  If he was hunting, he surely wouldn't leave behind his weapons..  And the moment he woke up, Legolas was always sure to pack up.  His bedroll was still out though, which worried Aragorn.  Did something happen to the elf while he was asleep last night?


When Legolas started to come to, he heard several loud voices.  As far as he could remember, he was only traveling with one person.  He frowned slightly as he sat up, looking at his surroundings.  His vision was blurred, he guessed from sleep, so he couldn't see that well.  "A-Aragorn?" he said in a croaky voice.  There was no reply.  He made to stand up as something connected with his stomach an caused him to fall back down.  His vision was suddenly cleared though.  He looked at his attacker.  It was a man he didn't recognise.  He realised that there were several men he didn't recognise.  He looked around.  He appeared to still be outside but he seemed to be far from the spot he and Aragorn were at.
    Then it hit him.  Aragorn wasn't here.  He must have been taken during the night.. He just hoped that wherever his friend was, he was okay.. Legolas attempted to attack the man before him, but realised his hands were bound.  He glared at the man.  "Why did you bring me here?" he asked in a low and dangerous voice. 
    Legolas started to get up, when something hard connected with his stomach and caused him to fall back down.  The pain somehow cleared his vision, and he saw a man before him.  He had dark hair like Aragon, but that was their only similarity.  He had a cruel smile on his face.

"Well well.  The elf finally awakens," the man said.  Legolas glared at him. 

"Why am I here?" he demanded.  "Who are you?" He noticed how while they were still outside, it was different from the campsite he and Aragorn were at.  He and.. Legolas' eyes widened.  "What have you done with Aragorn?" If that man hurt his friend...

The human's smile turned- if possible- even more cruel.  "Your father, the mighty elf king Thranduil, has wronged me and my town.  You are my revenge."  He didn't answer the question about Aragorn.  Not knowing if his friend was alright would only torment him further, which was just what he wanted. 

Legolas narrowed his eyes.  "If you hurt him I swear by my name that you will live to regret it." The human shook his head and chuckled. 

"You're not in any position to make a threat prince," he said with a sneer.  To prove his point, he sent his fist flying at Legolas' face.  The young elf was still slightly dazed from the previous punch, and didn't manage to dodge the hit.  His head bobbed backwards as Legolas felt a trickle of blood fall from his nose.  If glares could, the one he gave the human would kill. 

Legolas made to strike the man, but then realized his hands were bound.  Of course.  It was foolish of him to think he wasn't bound in some way.  Nonetheless, he looked back at the man.  "How did I end up here? I would have sensed you," he stated.

The human laughed.  "It was easier than I anticipated, really.  We waited until you and your friend were gone and put a sleeping herb in your stew. 

Legolas frowned.  "We?" He asked.  He only saw one man. He then noticed that several other humans were in the background, watching.  The dark haired man gave Legolas a look of distaste. 

"I almost forgot to ask: why is it that you have a human friend? I was taken under the impression that elves despised humans," he said with a bitter tone.

Legolas looked at him with an expression of surprise.  "No, of course not! I've met many noble humans and Aragorn is perhaps the best of them all.. I don't judge a person by their race," he said in a cold tone.  *Unless a dwarf is involved..* he thought to himself.  But perhaps that was because of his bad experiences with them in the past.. Suddenly realization came to him. Elves had wronged this man in the past, just like the dwarves did to himself and his father.. And if those elves involved a certain king with a terrible temper...
So that was why they captured Legolas.  But how exactly would they use him to get their revenge?


"Legolas!" Aragorn stumbled through the forest.  Where was his friend? Where had that stubborn elf gone off to this time?  "Legolas!!" He kneeled on the ground and stared up into the heavens.  "Mellon nin.. Where are you?"


"What is your name?" Legolas asked in a more quiet tone.  "At least allow me the knowledge of who it is who wants revenge on my father."

The man pondered for a second before deciding to answer.  He came to the conclusion that it was better that the young prince knew who his tormentor was.  "Elion," he replied.  "I don't think your father, even with his elves memory, would recall my name. When we came to him begging for help, he brushed us away without uttering even a single word." His expression darkened but he didn't say any more. 

Suddenly, two pairs of arms yanked the elf up. He looked at them, confused.  "We're moving on," Elion said.  "And you better keep up the pace or you will pay."
Legolas gritted his teeth but he decided to obey.. For now.  If he was to make an attempt to escape he would need to be as uninjured as possible. 

They had been walking for what felt like hours now, and had finally come to a stop.  Legolas didn't know why they stopped, but didn't question it.  He instead decided to take this as an opportunity.  He put his hand to a tree near him and focused his thoughts. 

Mellon nin, he silently said to the tree.  I am in need of your help.

The tree sensed his troubles and answered immediantly.  Of course.  What can I do?

A small smile came to the elf's face.  No matter what he faced here, at least the trees would be there for him.  My friend Estel.. I have no doubt he will be coming to rescue me.. Send word to him that I am alright, but point him in the right direction? He may be a ranger but these humans are good at covering up their tracks.

The tree swayed ever so slightly.  I would gladly do anything for you Mellon nin.  I'll send word to your friend as soon as I can.

Legolas put his forehead to the trunk of the tree as thanks, then faced the humans again.  He couldn't be too long or they would be suspicious.  Unfortunately, Elion marched over, appearing to have noticed. 

"We didn't say you could rest elf," he said when he saw Legolas leaning against the tree.  A look of relief washed over his face.  The humans apparently didn't know wood elves could converse with the trees.  That could prove useful to him later. 

Elion called one of the other men over.  "Teach the elf a lesson.  Make sure he understands laziness is not tolerated."
A look of pure loathing was on his face, and Legolas felt the briefest moment of fear.  He quickly shook it off though.  No matter what they did to him would break him.  He could handle anything.

As Elion walked away, the other human fiercely grabbed Legolas before throwing him against the tree.  He hit the trunk hard, and a sharp pain fled through his back.  Legolas could hear the tree mourning as if to say sorry.  It wasn't the tree's fault though, so Legolas of course didn't blame it at all. He was hoping that was it, when the human grabbed the light elf again, this time holding him in the air, before very forcefully throwing him to the ground.  Since Legolas' hands were behind his back, they got hit with the most pain, and he heard a crack as he hit the ground.  Agony came to his wrist, and he knew it was broken.  He had gotten worse injuries before though.  A broken wrist was nothing, even if it did hurt like heck.

Legolas got up quickly and sent a kick at the human, who laughed.  "Feisty elf, aren't you? You should learn when to stand down."

The human pulled back his fist and hit Legolas on the left side of his face, as darkness took over his sight and he fell unconscious. 

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