Make A World We Can Live In Where The Who You Love's Not An Issue

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Like the last two titles, it's from the song in the video, 'Everyone Is Gay' by Great Big World. They are amazing and I've been listening to the song on repeat as I wrote these past three chapters.
Anyways I don't own Blue Exorcist or any of it characters. If I did I would make it gay.
Rin, this is my class at the cram school." Bon introduced them.
The class looked alarmed for a moment before Rin began to talk.
"Don't worry, I know about demons and exorcists and stuff, everyone in this town does." Rin assured them with a little smile, making them all relax.
Miwa was the first one to speak, stepping forward hesitantly.
"So, how did you get your temptaint?" He asked cautiously, but Rin only grinned, and suddenly there was a tail the same color of Rins hair swinging lazily in the air behind him, the end of it fluffy and poofed up. That's when they noticed his fanged grin and elf like ears.

"You're a demon!" Miwa gasped. Stepping backwards in fear, Rins eyes went sad, and his tail dropped a bit.
Bon's arm tightened around his boyfriends waist, and the class watched in shock as he growled at Miwa.
"He's only half-demon, and who cares either way? Not all demons are bad Miwa, so get your head outta your ass and get a damn clue." Bon snarled, Rin put a hand on his boyfriends chest, halting his verbal assault before it became physical. Bon went to glare at him before melting under his loves gaze.
This time it was Yukio who, surprisingly, stepped forward and asked the question on everyone but Bons mind.
"Do you know who your demon parent is?" He asked, his eyes holding something akin to familiarity and sorrow.
Rin nodded slowly, but said nothing, so Izumo pressed on.
"Well? Who is it?" She asked harshly. Rin flinched a bit, before straightening up and saying quite loudly,
"Ryuuji, I have to go help them decorate my cafe, can you help me?"
The townsfolk knew the sounds of a distressed Rin so they began to call him over to help, some glaring at the cram school class.
Bob nodded and turned to his friends after Rin left to go back to his cafe.
"Don't ask him who it is, he's sensitive about it. That's all I'm gonna tell you." He snapped, before spinning on his heel and marching after his boyfriend.
The Exwires all looked at each other nervously, before Shima laughed again and ran after the couple, yelling about Pride Month again. The tension snapped and the rest of them followed, giggling and laughing as well.

This was going to be a festive month alright. And they couldn't wait to get started.

There's chapter three. Hope you enjoyed. Hopefully I can mass post like this again sometime. I'll work on chapter four when I feel like it.
Chio losers.

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