Parrot: Hey cutie~
Kitten: Who the hell are you?
Parrot: Aww don't be so mean Kitten~
Kitten: You sound like a old perv..
Parrot: I'm offended !
Kitten: And?
*This contains suicide, swear words and boy x boy!*
Um I don't have kik anymore so please...
GracefulGwen: What is his name? How old is he? What does he look like.
Parrot: His name is Pj, He's 17 (no I'm not a pedo because 3 years isn't a big deal)
He's super adorable and he looks like this
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GracefulGwen: He's fucking cute. You lucky little bitch...
Parrot: Hm? Last time I check you were the little one.
GracefulGwen: I'll fucking murder you. You're so lucky Dawns classes end soon...
Parrot: Oh yes you'd murder me.. but since I always hide behind Dawn you have to give up (>w<)
GracefulGwen: Yeah... I don'y wanna hurt her cause she's too much of a cinnamon roll!
Parrot: True true
DoubtfulDawn: Thank you guys and Aj, I support you 100%
Parrot: Aww thanks Dawn, but there's a little problem.
GracefulGwen: What's the problem?
Parrot: He suffers from depression, he was in a abusive relationship and he has a crush on some guy (not his ex well he kinda still loves him??? but idk) Like he has a friend and I kinda think he's crushing on his friend.. but his friend has a girlfriend and he's gay so??
GracefulGwen: Hmmm... there's a chance he's crushing on you though?!
DoubfulDawn: Yeah Aj, think positive!
Parrot: I hope it's me... even though we haven't been talking that long...
GracefulGwen: Don'y worry! Everything will be alright!