Over Headed

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Yoongi's P.O.V.

I'm stumped what was my fake persona again? I can't remember I think it was mad and intimidating but fake acts just fly over my head to where I can't remember anything I did the day previous I had a hard time keeping up with faking how I actually act anyway... I reach Namjoons dorm I could hear him scrambling around in it I was mostly curious what could he be doing could he be? no Namjoon never cleans! Or could he be doing just that? I didn't really care if I'm being honest. I start knocking on his door a few times and I could hear him stop and start to walk to the door my heart was beating faster every thump I heard coming closer to the door I wonder how he feels if he likes me back then we could have something but I don't want to confess to somebody who doesn't love me back...

Namjoons P.O.V.

I let Yoongi in and he instantly sits on the couch I got kinda nervous at that point I didn't know if I should join him or get him something to eat but then I heard small snoring and I knew he had fallen asleep I walk over carefully and sit next to him I was surprised how peaceful he looks when he's asleep I looked away for a second and then looked back. Yoongi was in my face I wanted to kiss him but I knew if I did I would probably die of blushing I do that sometimes...

Yoongi's P.O.V.

I look into his eyes debating if I want to be ballsy and kiss him or be a sweet candy corn child and not kiss him Dammit this is a hard choice I have seconds to decide... I'm not going to it's not time yet... But when will it be time? I could see his lips shivering almost like he was excited or sad or... Afraid "Yoongi?" he breaks our long stare "yea?" I replied kinda sad he broke the moment "Why did you get so close?" he said it like it was a bad thing I quickly moved my face away "sorry..." I wasn't really sorry so worth it I drifted off to sleep shortly after

Namjoons P.O.V.

Did he drift off to sleep ALREADY? Well, it's not that bad I had to get away from him anyway I'm kinda happy he's not SO perverted... I got a fucking boner I can't be around the people I love most cause of fucking hormones this is fucking hell I mean at least Jungkook gets me better than most of the members cause he gets them often I still can't figure out what makes him get one though maybe V or... If its fucking Yoongi ill kill Jungkook Yoongi probably thinks Jungkook is better than me... Well, I can dispose of Jungkook but he's not my main priority Yoongi opened his eyes...fuck... I hope he doesn't look down but despite my hopes, he looked down...

Yoongi's P.O.V.

is he... what the fuck? why does he have a boner I'm RIGHT next to him if he says something I'm going to ask about it... he started to say something "Act like that didn't happen okay? please?" he asked me almost begging me personally I didn't think about replying "Yoongi why are you staring at me like that! its embarrassing!" I noticed he actually said my name he's serious I had to say it "well I'm surprised I bet you could please anyone better than Jimin" I could see him start to blush I tried to pull off an I was only joking laugh but I couldn't do it, it sounded more like when you trip and fall in front of your crush never happened to me but anyway he finally said something but I wasn't expecting it "Well you want to know how much better I could please you?" I started to blush I was more surprised then happy "d-do you mean it?" I asked god damn I sounded so weak and innocent "of course Yoongi why would I joke about it?" I was shocked I swear he was joking but I yelped when he grabbed me I wanted to push him away but I couldn't he did it so... so alluring I couldn't make him let go I looked up at him cause he's so fucking tall I'M FUCKING OLDER AND HES TALLER THAN ME this is some fuckery.

Did I end this right here yes yes I did noobs anyway it took me a long time so if ya got a problem fuck you anyway its like 700 words so yea bye

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