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Jimins P.O.V

It was midnight and I was bored without Yoongi I decided to take a drive. I was turning a corner then...   


My head hit the steering wheel and the airbag didn't explode to help... Blood Spilling out of a gash on my forehead. A while later I could hear Doctors telling people to get back... Could it have been Yoongi? or anyone else? had somebody cared enough to come and see me? I couldn't move I was stuck in the darkness I could hear people talking was I going to be like this forever?

Yoongis P.O.V

I woke up to Namjoon on the phone he looked at me and shook me just in case I was asleep still "Yoongi we need to go to the hospital" he said Calmly "why? are you giving birth or something?" I asked tiredly not fully knowing what I had said "...Jimin was in a car accident..." he said sadly "I don't fucking care" I started to go back to sleep then it hit me we got in the car once we were out of our pajamas and in normal clothes we reached the hospital and ran through the halls finding Jimins room shortly after looking he had cuts and scrapes probably from the glass... and a gash on his forehead that will leave a scar as I peered through the glass Namjoon hugged me and told me it was alright but I knew it wasn't, if it was all right Jimin wouldn't be in that bed, probably close to death they won't let anyone in the room so us being there was useless we wen't home.

Namjoon P.O.V

Yoongi seems sad I don't know how to fix it the best I can do is hug him and give him my support but I know it isn't going to be enough nothing can fix a hole in the heart if somebody else was meant to fill it as we were driving home Yoongi started crying... Tears rolling down his cheeks the lighting was reflecting off of the tears that seemingly had no end I couldn't help but look at him he was Intoxicatingly handsome and it made my heart ache knowing how much pain he was in and not knowing how to help him... I wish I could make his pain go away and give me the pain take all his worry's away just so he could be happy I love him and I only want to see his beautiful smile his smile is burned into my eyelids It cant be unseen and I want to see it for real and I want to see it forever I want to be the reason he smile's the reason he wake's up in the morning the reason he breathes. He is my everything and I want to be his everything but if he even cared about me like that he would have said something right? or is our reasoning the same? does he like me? surely if V had asked him to stay with him he would have agreed as well? I want to feel special but how can I if I can only talk about love and not experience I feel alone I probably am alone does he even really care if I tell him will he say something nice? be supportive? feel the same? I don't know and I like not knowing, I feel happy not knowing but over whelmed with curiosity about the matter I feel anxious and feel like I need to be more than I can be around him I feel like I need to prove I'm perfect I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice Yoongi telling me to stop the car "Namjoon snap the fuck out of it! STOP THE FUCKING CAR!" he yelled at me I pulled over and then he grabbed my collar warm tears still running down the sides of his face I started getting red in the face I could feel the blush rising quickly to my face I opened my mouth to start saying something but was stopped almost instantly by Yoongi pulling me into a soft and tender kiss his lips were incredibly soft and intoxicating I couldn't help myself I kissed him back and it felt like time stopped were everything had just stopped the roaring highway had become loud the sounds he made his breathing intensified my heart was beating in my ears, his tongue slid into my mouth and I tasted his sweetness on a new level. The people walking along the street had vanished it was just me and Yoongi making out in the car we both hopped into the backseat and I was on top of him kissing him and rubbing my hands up and down his body slowly savoring every touch and the sensation of his skin as if it was my only sense I was so happy and so sad it would end soon Yoongi's phone started ringing but he didn't answer we were to caught in the moment his tear's had stopped and he was smiling a sexy mischievous and happy smile I absolutely loved it more than anything else in that moment a few seconds later Yoongi's and my shirt was off and we were still making out fiercely I left several hickeys on his neck and chest already he had done the same to me.  We put our clothes' back on after the sweetest hour of my life and then I drove us home and we cuddled till the dawn. I awoke to Jungkook knocking on the door I put a shirt on and answered the knocking "morning Jungkook..." I got quiet when I realized he was glaring at me "what you did was low Namjoon! I know why you've been keeping Yoongi here Pervert!" Jungkook walks right in uninvited and picks up Yoongi who is still half asleep and brings him to his room with V It happened so fast I was still in the doorway puzzled about everything I was mostly concerned about Yoongi though he had no shirt on and with that a lot of hickey's that were clearly new and obviously not from Jimin...

Jungkook's P.O.V

Namjoon dropped so low to do this to such a sexy specimen... I couldn't help but notice how hot Yoongi looks this close; he opened his eyes he was on my bed in the covers next to me I loved teasing him like this it was a perfect opportunity I licked my lip's seductively "how was it?~" his eyes widened and he could visibly start blushing I could hardly contain myself from laughing I think he caught that it was just a joke cause he gave me a sucker punch in the side of the arm and I gave a giggle he smiled then realized he didn't have a shirt on "so what's this about?" he asked "Well why are you cheating on Jimin?" I asked I really want to know... "...I didn't... I meant..." he started crying a little bit "hey I didn't mean it like that so why are you being like this to Jimin I need to know this..." I asked "he doesn't deserve this but I loved him and now I'm confused and don't know what I can do!" I just hugged him while he was sitting on my bed. then Tae walked in... My sweet beloved Tae... I got up and ran after him leaving Yoongi alone...   

A/N I made a yoonmin Finally Its called 'Charming Boy' hope you enjoy reading it And this took me a while sorry :/ nah never mind I ain't sorry >:3 Ill start writing more I hope you enjoy reading this one I discontinued it cause It sounded a lot like a different book I read like 3 months after and didnt feel right keeping it up! dont look for it, it no longer exists.

Underneath A Fake Skin |Namgi|Where stories live. Discover now