Why did it end like this?

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Jin's P.O.V

Fuck... He's playing a joke on me right...? he can't be for real about this... I grab my heart hoping it helps the pain but is ultimately useless I never thought he would go to cheating on me for a break up sure he didn't tell anyone but it was obvious when we were together hell even before we were a thing people thought we were dating this doesn't make sense... he wouldn't do this to anyone else even his worst enemy he's to nice for that! we were drunk the night he said he loved me and wouldn't stop clearly he didn't mean that... he got me in the bed that night and the next day kept talking to me I felt like I was in love knowing he wasn't just using me for sex we were dating for 6 months then this shit happens this fucking suck's I've never felt pain like this before did I really love him that much? why would my heart betray me like this? nobody could have hurt me like him... I'll just go to my dorm and cry myself to sleep...

Yoongi's P.O.V  

I get into my dorm and take a shower a very long shower then I heard Jimin walk in the dorm and I got out I put the clothes I grabbed before I got in the shower on and walked out to greet him he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek then started making food I grabbed my phone and played video games then a knock came from the door, Jimin got tense once I opened the door it was Jungkook "l-look I'm sorry I don't know what came over me... I'm sorry I hope you can forgive me, and... Jimin I'm sorry... If you guys forgive me one day I will deeply appreciate it and be grateful that you would give me a second chance.." he looked at the floor clearly sad I hugged him "what you did isn't okay but I can always forgive you if you try to make it right" I said he smiled and hugged me tight Jimin paused "yea I can forgive you too..." he said hesitantly I looked at him and smiled he smiled back Jungkook was visibly happy it was adorably sad he left a couple of minutes later and I went to the bedroom and started thinking about what my mother would think if she knew exactly what I was doing she would be ashamed and probably disown me why should I care though she's already ashamed... She never agreed with my decisions I wish life wasn't like that... But it has to be I ran out of the dorm I needed some fresh air my thoughts were suffocating me my phone started ringing I looked down to see it's V I picked up and he started scolding me I rolled my eye's and did whatever I could to end this conversation faster I gave up after 17 minutes and hung up if he wanted to talk he could face me in person

Namjoon's P.O.V

Yeah okay...

Yoongi's P.O.V

I walk back to my dorm and fall on the bed and go to sleep and wake up to Jimin yelling "WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU LAZY MOTHER FUCKER!!!!"  I yelled back "WHAT BITCH?!?!?!?" he immediately started laughing "I was trying to wake you up for ten minute's!" laughing in the middle of every word I glare at him as he dies of laughter and I eat the food I didn't really like it but it's better than fast food I left to Namjoon's but was stopped by V he hugged me and called me a cum slut before he ran off  I stood there for a moment just giving the direction he ran off into the weirdest look when I started walking to Namjoon's again. when I got there I knocked on the door he got it after a couple of minutes.

End time its been awhile yea well my dumbass forgot to post it so here's your story like a year late bye ig 

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