Chapter One: Japantha

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Chapter One: Japantha

~Beast Boys POV~

"I'm telling you, I'm taller than you now!" I yell at raven, she's sitting on the couch reading her book.

"We are the same height, your hair just makes you seem taller." She says in her monotone.

"My hair isn't even that tall it's almost flat!" I wave my arms around, trying to get her attention, but she's very interested in her book. "What are you even reading?" I look over her shoulder and she slams the book closed.

"I can prove to you we are in fact the same height." Raven and I stand up, we go back to back. "See I told you we are the same height."

"Bull shit! We need a third person point of you." Just then Cyborg walks in to the common room. "Hey Cy who's taller me or Raven?" I stand up straight.

"I can't tell cause of your hair, okay hold on a sec." Cyborg goes into the kitchen and comes back with a ruler. "Okay here we go," He puts the ruler between mine, and ravens head "and the taller titan is....."

"Just get on with it." Raven interrupts, I laugh a little.

"Hold your horses, the taller Titan is, Beast Boy by three count 'em three centimeters." Cyborg says as we both turn around.

"Ha! I told you I was taller!" I start doing my victory dance around Raven and she just stands there looking bored. "I was right you were wrong! I was and you were wrong! I knew it I knew it I knew it!" I poke her face, she then proceeds to give me a wedgie. Cyborg decides this is funny enough to laugh at. "Some friend you are." I send a glare at Cyborg, while fixing my underwear.


Cy Borg jumps up off the couch over to the computer.

"What's the situation?" Robin asks as he and Star Fire come in.

"It's a bank robbery," Cyborg says.

"Who seriously can it be, do they need us?" I ask.

"It's serious enough that they will need us."

"So who's pursuing the robbery, Warp, Dr. Light?" Robin asks.

"No, I don't think we've delt with this person before."

"Well we're about to find out, let's go Titans." We all leave to go to the bank.


When we finally get there Robin approaches the nearest officer.

"What's the situation officer?" Robin asks.

"Well there are hostages inside we don't know how many there are, they are all being held captive in the back room though."

"Any kind of weapon we should be aware of?" Cyborg asks.

"We did hear gun shots earlier on."

"Okay," Robin then turns to us, "here's the plan, beast boy I need you to get an inside look of the bank, then report back,"

"Sure thing." I morph into a fly and fly my way into the vents until I hear voices, I turn into a spider and come down my string of web.

I see a five people sitting on the ground absolutely terrified, but I don't seem to see the criminal. I hear a a door swing open with a loud 'bang'. I turn to look to see a girl with an purple overall dress, black t-shirt underneath, purple and black stripped gloves that go to her elbow, the same find of socks that go over her knee, a black mask that covers most of her face and her hair is in pigtails.

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