Mix Up!

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Mix Up!

So there were a mix up of chapters 16 & 15, but Im past 800 readers so here's the thing that let's you the readers decide the next chapters fate! Next Chapter is Raven btw's.

So I told you once I got past 800 readers I'd think of something special to do. Well here it is, I'm going to let you guys tell me what you want to happen in the next chapter. Here are the rules:

1) Raven can not find someone else, shes debating on Beast Boy.

2) If someone has an idea you like, you can just say I second that or yeah or something else, to let me know you like it.

3) You can have a Big, but not HUGE turning point or cinematic reveal.

4) You can have a BBxRae moment.

7) PM me if needed or if you just want to!

6) I don't write naughty things, it's nasty.

7) AWKWARD Moments would be fantastic!

I think that's all for now again if you want to give me an idea go ahead a and tell me.

I love you all!!!

800 READS ALREADY JESUS!!! Sorry if that offended you.

My eyes burn from the fan in my room, but I'm too lazy to get up and turn it off.

Sorry if you thought this was a chapter!

Thanks For Reading!

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But make sure to comment on this!!!


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