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 "Hey Akira, we should go swimming today" said Ryo looking to get a reaction out of you "yes we have to! I'll go back to miki's and get my swimming pants i will brb!" he yelled as he raced off. "... I don't have any bathing suit..." you quietly said "oh well i was thinking you could go skinny dipping~" you stared at him with a red face "ABSOLUTLY NOT!!!" you yelled in response "i'm kidding, besides i'm the only one who can admire you're naked beauty anyway~" "RYO OH MY G-" you were interupted by him covering you're mouth "ah ah aah~ we don't say that name in this building!" he let's go of your face, and you look at him like 'wtf are you saying rn???' "well we should go get you that bikini that's on sale, it's pretty cute too~" he looks at you with his sapphire blue eyes and smiles ' AAAAAAAHHHHH HE'S SO HOOOOOTTTT!!!!!!' you felt like boiling "let's just g-get the damn bikini..." you mutter "alright then," 

                    ------------Later because hail satan-------------

You, Ryo and Akira had gotten the bikini and it fit you perfectly! and when Akira saw it on you he nearly choked on his own nosebleed. At the beach you and Akira pull Ryo into the water and as you were all having fun you felt something pull on your ankel, you look down confused and kick after it... r/instantRegret... It started diging it's teeth? into your flesh as you saw the water turn slightly red from the blood dripping out "AAAAAH! OWIE THAT HURTS!" you scream, and try to get away but it pulls you down until Akira and Ryo pull you out from it's grasp, "close your eyes (y/n)!" you do as told and Ryo holds you close to his chest as you hear a roar comming from behind you and then another you hear the splashing of water rip through the air, you whimper a little and after what seemed like forever with a bleeding ankle, Ryo let's you go as you start looking around, "EW! what's this???" you question as you accidentaly step in some yellow goo, "o-oh that's just... Ummm it's the ice cream that melted everywhere!" you didn't believe him but what else could it have been? "oh umm okay?... Where's Akira?" he looked kinda frusterated but then answered "O-OH IT  WAS A FISH THAT BIT YOU A-AND Uh... He's trying to find it?" Ryo sounded kinda innocent when he told you this... too innocent... Oh well you found Akira and well um.. He looked very smashed so you decided to go home. When you were back home you changed clothes and looked a little closer to the bite on your ankle, it didn't look like a fish could bite like that, and there aren't any sharks near where you are so what ever it was it had to be big. You went to the kitchen to get some bandaids, when you looked over you saw jenny, and started thinking about what she told you about Ryo that one time... FLASHBACKKKKK :3... you sat next to jenny and talked a little, she then told you that Ryo was great in bed and was gonna treat you right, and that he was fighting and arguing with Akira over you, she started winking to you as you looked beside you and saw Ryo had sat down, you blushed  uncontrollably as he had the nerve to say "what's up tomato?" he grins as Akira starts laughing altough you were gonna strangle him if he didn't treat you as nicely as he does, he wraps his arm around you and you start calming down, Akira isn't very fond of it though and looks at Ryo with jealousy... END OF FLASHBACK :3 ... 'what did she even mean?' you question yourself as you think about asking now or later, 'mmm i think i'll ask about it later, for now i should just patch myself up a little...' 


HEWWO! i'm truly sorry for not posting in that long... And i just saw that i'm in #26! omg omg omg omg omg om-

Ryo: DON'T SAY HIS NAME! D:<                                           

sorry... (/ -_-/ ) ...

Ryo x Reader x Akira (hot stuff I say!)Where stories live. Discover now