Oh nyall already know :(

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I honestly don't know if I'm gonna continue using this account for writing stories. I don't update at all anymore because I'm busy with school, I have no more ideas, and some of these fandoms are not a part of my life anymore. I don't really watch anime as often as I used to and when I do, I start new anime and completely ignore the anime that I haven't finished. I honestly wanna read more manga because plenty of anime studios end up turning anime series into trash anyway (pierrot being the prime example) I still use this account for reading fanfics but other than that this account just sits here. Tbh I log out sometimes because when I'm busy or sleeping, the notification alerts get to be really overwhelming. I honestly don't even know what I was thinking with my stories because looking back, I wrote some cringy ass content and the only reason I'm not deleting my account other than reading is because you guys seem to like my fanfics and deleting this would be like an author writing a top selling book and just taking all the copies back from their readers. I apologize for my constant absence but with how busy I am and how much I've changed these past months, I just can't update very frequently anymore.

again im SO sorry for keeping you all waiting.

But i did promise a lemon for all of u nasty boys.....


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