Attack of the cutie muffins! PT 8

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                                                        (y/n) POV

As i had finished cleaning and bandadging my ankle i went over to the couch and sat down, i looked over at jenny who seemed to be in a trance staring at me, she then smiled wider and pointed behind me as i was about to look i was blindfolded by hands over my eyes as probably Akira went in front of me and... L-LICKED ME!? I grabbed the hand's on my face and threw them off me as i kicked Akira away and grabbed Ryo by the collar and stared him in the eyes, "WAS THIS YOUR PLAN!? IF SO WHY DIDN'T YOU ALSO KISS M-" i was interrupted by him smacking his lips on mine, quickly pulled away as i stared in shock at them but they just smiled in victory. I ran away while they chased me i took a sharp turn and went into the bathroom and locked the door and turned the light's off and just sat there until suddently i hear quiet footsteps outside as they stopped in front of door the doornob started turning but stopped halfway as the lock resticted, i then hear Ryo's voice outside "Akira she locked the door! we have to get her but not right now i guess...heheh" Akira puts his hand on the nob and he RECKS it and breaks the door nob i scream as he rushed over and picks me up bridal style and carres me out to Ryo. "Sigh Akira don't scare her, again..." he said the last part in a whisper, as we walk back to the living room and he put's me back down on the couch as he sits beside me smiling like the goofball he is, i blush a little looking away as Ryo noticed this and pulls Akira away and instead of Akira sitting besides me it was Ryo, i look up as he smirks at me, and grabs my hand he looks me in the eyes "(y/n)... I lo-" Akira inturrupts " WE BOTH LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!" he said in a cheery way, i blush so much and i look away in cowardness, Ryo stares at Akira and gives him a death glare while i look away. When i look back Ryo look's at me and pet my soft (h/c) hair, "(y/n) you must be tired, would you like to go to bed?" Ryo ask's as i think 'shouldn't i take a shower first?... Nah im goin' wait for tommorow...' "...Okay i am pretty tired anyway so.." We get up and walk to the bedroom as i lay down with Ryo and Akira looked a little sad and was about to walk away but i patted for him to lay next to me, his face lights up as he quickly lays next to me but Ryo's face said otherwise. I fell asleep as Akira and Ryo hold one of my hands each and also fall asleep...


Hai dere! Anything you'd like to suggest for chapter 9? If so please comment on what you'd like! thanks for reading so far! love yall babes and get ready for some near future lemons~

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