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Sam locked his door as always, and laid back down on his bed, breaking off another piece of caramel chocolate and closing his eyes. It was horrible for his teeth to fall asleep every night with sugar still seeping into the pores of his very bones. He knew it, but he had come to accept that this was just how it had to be.

It had to be like this when the caramel caught him and tossed him onto the pillows, pushing him in all the right places, relaxing his muscles. It had to be this way when the chocolate whispered in his ear and stroked a comforting thumb over his hip.

He woke up to the taste of pumpkin pie and the fading feeling of fingers in his hair. Sam stared at the locked door.

He turned over, and went back to sleep.


This time when he was awoken, it was to loud knocking on his door, and Dean telling him to 'get your ass up already'. Sam turned his face back into the pillows and regretted missing the chance to savor those last few seconds of a face pressed against his neck.

Sam didn't move an hour or so later, when Dean slammed the door open, after rather loudly picking the lock.

"Sammy? What the hell? Are you okay?"

Sam didn't respond.

"Dammit Sam, answer me! I thought you were abducted or something. You're scaring me."

Sam didn't respond.

"Cas!" Dean called. "Cas. Please, I need you to come here, it's Sam, something's wrong."

Sam heard the faint sound of wings as Cas appeared.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, but he's not responding, he's not doing anything. He's been acting weird for weeks, is he possessed or something? Can you, I don't know, scan him or something?"

Castiel sighed. "I'll try."

Sam felt a warm press of fingers briefly on his shoulder.

"He's not possessed. I didn't sense any sort of spell, or anything of that nature. He appears to be...fine."

"He's not fine, Cas!"

"Dean, I was merely⁠⁠—"

"I'm fine," Sam said quietly.

"What the hell, Sammy?" Dean laid a hand on his shoulder and leaned over him to look him in the eyes, but Sam kept them shut.

"Why weren't you talking? Why didn't you get up? You're giving me a fucking heart attack."

"I don't want to."

"What do you mean you don't want to? This isn't a game, I don't know what the hell is going on, but⁠⁠—"

"I said I don't want to. I don't want to get up, I don't want to talk to you, and I don't want to work on stupid research." Sam burst out.

"Sammy, you can't just⁠⁠—"

"I said. I. Don't. Want. To. Now please get out and let me sleep." He pulled his covers up more securely around his shoulders.


"Dean," Cas interrupted. "Let's just...leave for now. We can talk outside if you wish."

There was a long moment before Dean relented.

"Fine," he said tersely, and followed Cas out of the room, closing the door firmly behind him.

"I believe Sam is simply...finally feeling the weight of the things he's gone through." Cas spoke, before Dean could say anything.

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