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Sam blacked out.

Dean rushed over. "Sammy?"

"He's just passed out. Hyperventilation'll do that to ya."

"What the hell? What are you doing here Gabriel? You're dead." Dean's eyes hardened. "Who the fuck are you actually, and what did you do to Sam?"

Gabriel held his hands up. "Woah, woah, I didn't do anything. He woke up, and then he was this."

"Why the hell should I believe that? Who are you?"

"Gabriel. Archangel, trickster, saved your assess a couple times? I'm sure you remember me."

"Gabriel's dead," Dean said firmly, looking him in the eyes.

"Not anymore, thanks. And it took me a helluva lot to get back here, so I'd accept any sort of appreciation...or congratulations... anything would be nice, really."

"I don't believe you. Now get away from my brother."

"Okay, okay, jeez." Gabriel carefully shifted Sam's weight off of him and onto the bed. He stood up and raised his hands again.

"I'm not here to attack. I'm just...can you bring Cassie here so he can tell you it's me? You can do whatever tests you want, I promise, I'm back."

Dean narrowed his eyes.

"We'll test you, and if it seems like you're really Gabriel, then you need to explain. Everything."

Gabriel nodded and walked toward the door. "Let's just, uh..." he nodded his head toward Sam, "I'm pretty sure he'll be out for a while, so..." He gestured Dean through the door, and closed the door softly behind them.

"Uh, kitchen then?"

Dean narrowed his eyes again.



"I believe it really is him, Dean," Cas spoke solemnly.

"He can't⁠-"

"Listen, I've gone through all of your tests. Cas says he can feel my grace, and that it feels like me. I don't know what else you want."

"An explanation that makes sense!" Dean snarled. "How are you not dead?"

"So, what, Cassie is the only special one? I can't come back too?"

"Dean." Cas laid a hand on Dean's arm to quell his protest. He turned to Gabriel. "Perhaps you could explain what you know, and why are you back now, after so long?"

"I don't know," Gabriel sighed and his shoulders slumped. "After I died...I was everywhere and nowhere at all. Just, being in the simplest sense. For the longest time, I just existed. Without thought or shape, or really anything at all. After a very, very long time though, I started to have awareness again. And from there, well it gets personal."

Dean stared at him, waiting for him to continue. He didn't.

"That's not an explanation Gabriel! I don't care if it's personal, that doesn't tell me anything."

"Listen, if it was just me I would tell you, but it's not all mine to tell," Gabriel said hotly.

"I swear, if this has something to do with Sam..."

"It does have something to do with Sam," Gabriel said challengingly. "And just because he's your brother, still does not make it mine to tell!"

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