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Sam sat on the couch, now fully clothed, with arms crossed challengingly.

"So when were you going to tell me about this?" Dean demanded, as he paced in front of Sam.

"Ideally? Never."

"Why do you have to hide everything from me?!"

Sam raised an eyebrow. "You've hidden some crazy shit from me, Dean. We hide shit from each other ⁠— it's what we do. Plus I didn't feel like going through the little meltdown you're currently having."

"I already knew, I just didn't want to see it!"

"What?" Sam asked, startled. "You knew? Since when? And you actually kept your mouth shut?"

"Since your little fight this morning."

Sam relaxed. "Oh. That so does not count as 'already knowing,'" he held up air quotes. "I'm surprised you managed not to come bitch at me earlier though."

"Cas told me not to!"

"Oh wow, your boyfriend actually gets you to listen sometimes now," Sam said drily. He wasn't going to waste a single opportunity to needle Dean ⁠— he was still mad at him for interrupting.

"My⁠— what? Listen just because you're gay or whatever does not mean I am!"

Sam let out a long-suffering sigh. "Nevermind, Dean. And I'm not gay, dumbass, you know that."

"Well whatever, you're fucking a dude."

"Don't imply that I didn't love Jess!" Sam said harshly. "And it doesn't even matter if I'm into dudes, I don't know, maybe I am, but Gabriel's an angel."

"So? He's still got a dick."

"Talking to you is like talking to a five year old sometimes!"

"What? Because I'm pointing out that he's a dude?"

"Angels don't have a gender!"

"Fine, whatever, but his vessel⁠—"

"Is irrelevant! Who cares what he has, it doesn't concern you! Okay, he has a dick, great, so did Jess!"

"Wait, Jess was a dude?"

"No, Jess was not a fucking dude, you asshole!"

"But you just said she had⁠—"

"Did you seriously not know Jess was trans? That was my whole point!"

"No! You didn't tell me!"

"I most definitely did, you probably just weren't listening! Jess asked me to make sure you knew before you two met, because we both know you're not the best at dealing with differences, especially if you're not expecting it."

"I don't know, this is the first I've heard this information!"

"Which proves that you weren't listening! But you know what, that also serves my point, because look at how much it affected you! It didn't. It literally didn't matter if you knew or not, because it's irrelevant."


"Just don't say anything else, okay? Don't dig yourself deeper."

"Fine, whatever. Me and Cas are not a thing, though. I'm not into that."

Sam rolled his eyes. "This is the most tiring conversation I've ever had."

"Then let's not have it! What I want to know is why you're back messing around with Gabriel if he did some shit to your head? What did he even do to you?"

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