Going Somewhere?

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I push my head off of my forearms and lift up my head to find my best friend Dominic right in front of me. I smile as he turns around. "Good morning, love. I thought you could use a morning pick me up." He smiles. He hands me a large blended vanilla coffee from a local coffee shop. He also hands me a blueberry muffin he probably bought on his way into town as well.

"Oh you do know me pretty well don't you? I literally rolled out of bed and came to school this morning. I don't know how Zach would do six AM shifts. Plus you got me my favorite. Now shut up she's new." I point towards the teacher. She stumbles into the room wearing some short of flats and a cardigan with jeans and a patterned shirt. She looks like she's going to teacher her first day of kindergarten. She surprises me with a slightly sarcastic tone to start off the first day.

"Hi, everyone. I'm Miss Greyson. It's a wonderful first day isn't it?" She states sarcastically. The whole class giggles and groans to stimulate her ego a bit. "Look I only have you for a semester for this class so you might as well know never to call me by my first name or to talk when I'm talking. I will not hesitate to send you to talk to the wonderful office ladies Meghan and Darci, then our wonderful principal Mr. Hensen."

"Have you met Mr. Hensen?" Someone calls out from the back of the room. Everyone laughs including me. I remember some of the new kids from my middle school days saying he was at one of their past schools and they hate him so much that they wanted to get him fired. I am ripped out of my nostalgia by Dominic thinking the exact same thing and nudging me from his desk. I roll my eyes and try to pay attention to the teacher.

The rest of class is spent with Miss Greyson telling us about herself which basically sums up to: she is not married, doesn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend or significant other, she doesn't have kids and she moved here from an even smaller town than this one. Which basically says that she will have the excuse of focusing on her career and not letting anyone distract her. Then after she was done she tells us to do whatever we want without killing each other.

I take a sip of my coffee. I nudge Dominic and he turns around and says to me " Isn't it sad that the teacher who is probably thirty has never had a relationship longer than a year? You've been with the wonderful Zachary for 3 years now and she hasn't had a relationship longer than that. Wow. I mean totally fine if you don't want a relationship but she's still hostile about it totally." He laughs.

" I don't know do you think she's still a virgin? Shes probably waiting for marriage. Oh well, she can be hostile and horny all she wants." I laugh. Dominic makes me laugh all the time that we usually have to be separated by at latest the second week of school.

The bells rings after Domy starts  complaining about Sharron from his work and pick up my stuff and head out of the door. I get caught outside of the classroom with touch on my right shoulder. "Hi, silly. You forgot about me. I need to not be late to my next class. Could you help me out?" Jessica states. I blush and take her schedule. She's headed to the same class as I am.

"Sure, it's right down the hall here. We have the same class again. I'll show you to the room." I say. I rush through the hall of freshman and underclassmen and head for our next class. I open the door to the room with ease and head straight for my usual spot and hope that no one bothers me for the rest of this class. Jessica finds her own seat across the room next to the large white cabinets and starts unwrapping her breakfast. I see my fellow classmates head in through the door groaning and shuffling their feet. I hope that no one notices me. I get a few hellos and how was your summer's but other than that I don't really talk to anyone.

Mr. Boyd comes to the front of his classroom starting with the classic speech of knowing that we are seniors now so we can handle the topics and behavior expectations. We all silently roll our eyes because we heard the exact same speech two years ago when we were all in his class before. "I would like everyone to stand up and say their names and say how old you will be on your next birthday" Boyd says. " Alright Taylah, we will start with you."

"Okay, I'm Taylah Breckenridge and I will be eighteen on my next birthday." I blush and sit down. I can't believe that he started with me. I will never understand the whole getting to know you games that teachers insist on playing the first day of school.  After about ten more minutes of this I find myself needing a break from this stupid class and I ask Mr. Boyd to go to the restroom.

"Oh, Taylah are you going somewhere? I think you can wait until the end of class."

"Look, Mr. Boyd, I'm going to be right back I just have to use the restroom. If there is anything I missed I can be filled in when I get back from a friend. Now may I please use the restroom?" I stare intently into his eyes and hope he'll give me some slack today. He nods and lets me go. I rush out of the door shutting it with a slight bit of force which scared me a bit more than  I thought it would. I rush to the bathroom and put myself in the second stall. I take a deep breath and steady myself before putting my best game face on. I wash my hands and head back to Boyd's room. Outside the door I stop for a minute and take a few deep breaths and calm myself down. "What did I miss?" I say to the person next to me as I sit down in my desk.

"Nothing much he just handed out a list of assignments and when they're due. I grabbed one for you." He says. He hands me the sheet of goldenrod paper and I put it in my notebook and will write down the due dates in my planner later. The bell rings and I'm off to the next class.

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