Forgive me?

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As I step out of the classroom I realize what I'm doing. I forgot about Jessica. Again. I turn around to Jessica in a sea of all of the underclassmen surrounding her. I shove through the eighth graders and grab her hand. I drag her through and get her to the less busy part of the hallway. "You saved me Taylah! I never thought that I would get out of the sea of little kids. Now where do I go next?"Jessica squeals.

"It looks like you go to study hall with Mrs. Bradford. I'll take you there but then I have to get to my next class" I say. I take her to the classroom and start for my next class. I head toward the classroom I was in for first hour. It will be the same story all over again so I decide that I'm going to take a nap before choir. I get in there and go to the same desk as before. I sit down and lay my head down and fall asleep.

I wake up someone pulling my hair. Damn that hurt. I look up to find Bradley. "Shit! Brad you pulled my damn hair. You didn't need to do that. Lord." I yell.

 "Oh poor baby didn't get enough beauty sleep? You really need to chill. I was just joking." Bradley says. Bradley has been a good friend for a long time. He and I went to the same preschool together and he started hanging out with my friend group again last year. He tries to scare me or give me chills all the time when I see him.

"Damn it. Let me sleep. I was carting around this new girl this morning because I was the first person that she saw and she expects me to show her around like a tour guide. Besides I heard the new teacher's story already I don't need to hear it again." I roll my head away from him so he can't pull my long brown hair.

He turns around to the front of the room, taking off his hat before Miss Greyson yells at him for it. I know she is going to try to stick to all of the rules kind of person. She starts her speech like earlier and I tune her out and lay my head down once again and fall asleep for the rest of the class.


I head down to the choir room which is halfway down senior hall. I open the door to see Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Johnson talking about their yearly trip to Georgia to see her side of the family. "Hi, Mrs. Johnson. Musical practice tonight?" I say while I walk towards the front of the room to my chair that I always sit in.

"Taylah you are a senior you know I would have emailed you the time by now." She says while giving me her signature look. I smile at her knowing what I'm doing.

I see the rest of the juniors and seniors file in and find their spots in their respective sections. We all know not to expect not to do anything in this class. We all stand up as soon as Mrs. Johnson starts playing the warm-up notes. I sing soprano as well as a lot of my friends. Although I have a lot of friends who are altos. We all sit as soon as she gives us the signal. It's almost like we are all trained dogs by how she can just look at us in a certain way and know exactly what she means. This goes along with her language too.

I catch up with the people around me and see how their summers have been, making sure to make my way across the room to Everest. She has been my friend since preschool. She and I rode the same bus and immediately hit it off. She and I talked everyday and didn't miss a day to sit next to each other. Now we have gone through some stuff in middle school like every friendship does but she and I are still really good friends.

"Hi, Ev! How was working here all summer?" I say sarcastically. She rolls her eyes implying that it really wasn't that bad.

"Taylah!!! It's so good to see you. Can you do coffee downtown after musical tonight?" Everest half-screams.

"I'll text my mom and let her know I'm going to be home a bit later."

"Okay good. I really need to talk to you. It feels like we never talk anymore!"

"I know. You know all I ever did was work and spend time with family all summer. It's like when I'm not working I was spending time with family." I roll my eyes. I really worked hard. I earned a lot of money since my whole life will jump start after this year.

"I know. I feel the same way sometimes. Talk to you at musical practice girl!"

"Okay! I'm so glad to see you. I was carting around a new girl all morning and now I can finally relax. She was so energetic and squealy. I just did not have the energy to deal with those kinds of people today."

"Oh. I didn't even know that there was a new girl. Anyway, talk to you later."

I walk back to my seat and sit down really hoping no one else will talk to me. I sit there in silence until the bell rings. I get up from my seat and head towards the office and sign out for the next few hours because I have two free periods this semester. I take a few college classes online so I'm able to sign in and out when I'm on campus for school courses and so I don't have to be on campus all day.

I go back towards the student parking lot an get into my car. I turn the music up high and go towards home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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