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Crystal and Golem are in a big high tech black van with a giant white R on the sides looking for the others.
Crystal: Toby, where did you say they last contacted you?
Toby(comms): I don't know. Last I heard, they were tying up crooks onto a lampost. By the way, where'd you get the sweet van?
Crystal: Bishop gave it to us and-
Crystal then sees 3 crooks hanging from a lamppost.
Crystal: Found the crooks.
Crystal then sees Mike laying against a wall, his masked cracked and broken, revealing his left eye and most of his mouth. Crystal parks the car and she and Golem get out. Crystal runs towards Mike and sees blood dripping from his mouth, his body all mangled, with his right arm broken to the point where you can see it protruding from the jacket.
Crystal: Holy shit.
Mike opens his eyes.
Mike: Crystal? That you?
Crystal: What happend to you?
Mike: Tomb. Kicked the shit out of evveryone. THE OTHERS!!!!
Mike tried to get up but then he felt his broken spine and screamed in pain.
Crystal: How about you just layed down and heal?
Mike: Got yah.
Crystal: So where are the-
Golem: Shiny lady, come here.
Crystal gets up and walks towards Golem. Golem points down an alley and Crystal looks down and covers her mouth with her hands. Crystal sees Jacob on the ground, his containment suit coverd with dents, Nelson is on top of a dumpster, with blood dripping from wounds across his body, Mary laying against the wall, blood dripping from her mouth and nose and he suit ripped, and Jess with cuts and bruises laying on the ground and her costume ripped. Crystal runs towards Jess and shakes her awake.
Crystal: Jess?!
Jess opens her eyes and smiles when she sees Crystal.
Jess: Hey.
Crystal: Are you ok?
Jess: I'm fine. Little bruising but- MIKE!!!
Jess's eyes turn from dopiness to fear.
Jess then breathes a huge sigh of relief.
Crystal: Don't worry about him Jess, he'll be fine in a day or two.
Crystal: Calm down I'm teasing. I don't know how long it'll take.
Jess: Ok ok. How're the others?
Golem: Lady friend, Doggy friend, and Robot friend are alive!
Jess: That's good.
Crystal: Golem, can you carry Mike and Nelson to the van? I'll get Mary, Jacob, and Jess.
Golem: Ok Shiny lady.
Golem picks Nelson up and then grabs Mike.
Mike: Careful big- OWWWWWWW!!!!
Golem: Sorry Undying friend.
Mike: It's ok Golem.
Golem sets down Nelson and Mike in the van. Crystal helps Jess into the van and Jess sits next to Mike.
Jess: You sure you're ok?
Mike: Perfectly. Besides the fact that almost all my bones are broken.
Jess: WHAT?!
Mike: Besides my skull, jaw, and neck.
Mike: Jess I'm basically immortal, you don't have to worry.
Jess: That's not gonna make me stop worrying.
Crystal and Golem lay Mary and Jacob into the van and shut the back doors.
Mike: I know it's not, but it's not like I'm going to die.
Jess: We don't know that.
Crystal: Do you two want a room? Or do you need to go to couples therapy?
Jess/Mike: JUST DRIVE!!!
Crystal: Heheheh, sure thing bosses.
Crystal starts the van and drives back to the base.

The New Rejects Volume 1: A New Beginning (Completed) (Canceled)Where stories live. Discover now