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Pan watched silently as Melody's lifeless body lay sprawled on the white sand. Her eyes hadn't opened up again and he couldn't hear her breathing or even find a heartbeat. The Oracle had to have lied, played them both as fools. She probably killed his only light just to spite him for coming back to her realm.

Her sentence was in bold lettering on each of her outer thighs, red and painful looking. Salty tears ran down his face as he gently stroked her ice cold cheek. She shouldn't of had to pay the price for a mistake he had made. He should've been the one to be incapacitated. She should have left him to be the witch's prisoner and been free.

Instead, he was watching her lie still on the ground in a human body. For some reason, the Oracle had allowed Blitz to come to the surface as well, just in the form of an energetic puppy with one electric green eye and one onyx colored eye. He didn't even know what he himself looked like. He almost didn't want to even see. It would be far too painful.

Quickly, she sucked in a lungful of air, coughing and sputtering out tons of water. She was alive, after all. He pounded her back then helped her sit up once she had stopped choking. Tears stung her eyes as she opened them.

They were absolutely breathtaking. The deepest blue he had ever seen out of the depths of the ocean. Her light hair stuck to her back and shoulders with a few strands on her face. Her skin was pale as the moonlight shining down on them.

She studied him, squinting her eyes as if she wasn't entirely sure who he was. "Cyrus?" her voice was nothing more than a whisper, "you're alive!" she jumped on his chest knocking them both over. "You look... different. I didn't know your hair was brown or that your eyes were dark blue."

Blitz yipped and jumped around the two in wide circles, licking Genesis everywhere he could reach. She cooed over the small animal, cradling him gently in her arms.

For just this moment, Cyrus could believe everything would be alright, and that they could be this free forever, just the three of them. They'd start over as Cyrus and Genesis Vinther, and live a life they never had a chance to live before they died those few centuries ago. Happily as a family.


And that's it. If anyone would like bonus chapters, I'm open to suggestions. Not planning on a sequel, so don't even ask. Thanks for surviving this long.

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