Chapter 4

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Monday. July 21, 2014. 11:40 PM

I got up as soon as I gained control of my body and took in my surroundings using every sense other than eyesight. I recognize the place as the one my other half was familiar with. Normally, I tried to avoid travelling here because the sudden familiar scent tended to bring her back to consciousness. Sometimes I couldn't avoid it, however. Both of us were drawn here constantly, I suppose.

Since she had fallen asleep here, the familiar scent didn't wake her. Honestly, she should be thankful that I took control when she's sleeping. She had fallen asleep laying on a cold, stone floor. Seriously. What was she thinking!?

The memories of the night before came back to me suddenly. This girl, Zena. I assume she doesn't remember what happens when I take over. That makes sense, since I don't remember what she does. If that's true, though... That means she awoke in a puddle of blood with a dead body next to her with no idea what had happened. She probably thought I was a murderer now. No wonder she's laying on a stone floor. Zena, no doubt, went into hiding.

So it's up to me, then. If she wants to hide while she has control, she can go ahead and do so. I never cared what she did while she was awake before, I shouldn't care now. I, however, am going to find the real murderer. I like to learn new things and explore, but I've been nearly everywhere in this town. It's starting to bore me.

I might even get some credit from my other half. She's always trying to push me away. If I do something to help her, she may start letting me do as I please. That would be nice.

First off, I have to find a way out of here. I put my hands out and walk forwards a bit until I feel the wall. Gently sliding my hand against it, I wake a few steps to the left until I feel the metal door and lower my hand to the knob. Slowly, I turn it and give it a little push. Thankfully, it opens without a problem and only squeaks slightly. This girl is supposed to be in hiding, what the hell is she doing with the door unlocked?

Shaking my head, I step out into the cool summer night air. I take a deep breath and realize that I have no idea how I'm supposed to find the murderer. I had never seen the person who grabbed me, since I have no sight, but I could use my other senses to track them down.

My senses were starting to fade when I was grabbed, though. Plus, I had that bouquet of flowers so I didn't get a very strong smell from her. Letting out a sigh, I head towards where I think the murder took place. I was lost in the first place so I wasn't sure how I would find it, but I wasn't sure what else to do. There weren't many ways for me to find the real killer, and going to the crime scene was probably my best bet. They say killers always show up at the scene of the murder, don't they?

Turning the way towards where I thought the murder took place, I wandered aimlessly for about an hour. Soon enough, I heard people talking in the distance. Who else would be out this late other than detectives trying to solve a murder case? Getting just close enough to understand what they were saying, but staying far enough away that they didn't see me, I listened.

"The body found was a 17 year old female highschool student named Faith Blackthorn. We have one main suspect. Ms. Bonadic. There was a piece of blonde hair found at the scene and her fingerprints were found on the weapon," said a man with a loud, commanding voice. He sounded stern and tired.

Shit. I touched the knife while feeling around to find out where I was. Surely they would find the real murderers fingerprints on it was well, right?

"Sir, another persons fingerprints have been found on the weapon as well. It seems as if somebody may have been framed. We are identifying the prints now. They should be analyzed by tomorrow morning," said a females voice. This one sounded much younger and like they had been under less stress than the first, but they still sounded tired.

"We shall continue our search when we have more leads. For now, we need to find out more about our only suspect. There's nothing more for us to do here, let's go," said the man.

Damn everything and everyone. If only I had been able to see and didn't feel around then touch that knife. My other half is in hiding, which makes it even worse. She will seem suspicious if she suddenly disappears after a murder that her fingerprints were found on. I needed to find this murderer, and fast. If my body was caught, I would no longer be able to explore and learn new things.

I heard the voices getting closer as they discussed the things they needed to find out to solve this case. As their footsteps grew louder, I hid in a bush till they passed. When I could no longer hear them, I ran the direction I came as fast as possible without falling. If I was going to solve this case, Zena couldn't know. She would have to wake up in the same place she fell asleep in every night, otherwise she would do everything possible to stop me. She doesn't know I'm trying to help us both. She thinks I killed someone.

When the house got closer, the familiar scent filled my nose. Going down the hill to the backyard, I entered through the door I came out of. As I shut the door carefully, trying to make as little sound as possible, I felt my senses beginning to fade. This would be the first time she would awaken in the same place she fell asleep since I became active. Laying down on the floor where I had gained consciousness hours ago, I thought about what I'd do next.

The detectives couldn't help me. I had gotten all the information I could from them, and it hadn't helped much. Cross off hearing from my list of senses to use. I had never heard the real murderer speak, so I couldn't find them by their voice. All I had left to help me were my sense of touch, smell, and taste. How they would help me, I had no idea.

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