Journal Entry

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Monday. September 15, 2014. 8:43 PM

Dear diary,

I decided I'd start keeping a diary. Silly, huh? I guess I just wanted to keep track of my crazy life. Make a record of things the way they are before they change again. Everything in life changes so easily... One day, you're having fun with your family and living happily. The next, your cousin is a killer and you're in hiding because you thought it was you. Although, I'm pretty sure my life is the only one that has changed that drastically.

I miss Astro. I know it's stupid, since she framed me for murder and she ended up being completely psycho, but she had been my only friend for quite a while. Not to mention she was a part of my family. A few months have passed since the incident. School started again and I'm in grade 11 now. I wish summer lasted longer.

I started going to counselling like my mom wanted. I actually wake up in my own bed now. I started dreaming again, and it isn't all nightmares. I have good dreams. I was also able to make some new friends. There's this one girl who was new to my school. Her name is Jenny. She's in all my classes and we get along really well. She's funny and nice and gorgeous. I'm hoping that we can become great friends one day.

I told her about what happened over the summer. She was really supportive about it. I decided that I wouldn't hide what happened from my new friends because I didn't want them to find out later on and hate me for it. Surprisingly, none of them were judge mental. I'm having a hard time trusting any of them though... It isn't their fault. There is nothing wrong with them. I just don't know how I'm supposed to trust anyone ever again after what happened. I trusted Astro and she framed me for murder. I thought she was the greatest person in the world, and she killed somebody. That just goes to show how good I am at judging people.

Still, I'm trying. For myself and everyone who cares about me. My family has been helping me as much as they can. We are all still shocked after what happened. Nobody expected what happened. We all knew Astro but nobody realized just how messed up she really was. Everyone is trying to get through it together. I think I will always be traumatized after what happened. I will get better, and I will heal, but my mind will be scarred forever. No matter how much the scar fades.

After everything, I just hope life gives me a break. I want to be able to get over this before anything else crazy happens. I want my old, boring life back. I want things to be the same as when nothing ever happened and I just spent my days sitting on the couch watching anime. That isn't too much to ask, is it? I want my old life, with my new friends.

Sometimes I wonder what I would do in my sleep when I used to sleep walk. My councilor told me that there is no way to tell, but that doesn't stop me from wondering. He told me that I don't remember anything I would do because my body was using a different part of my brain when I would do it. I wonder what kind of person I was, or if I was exactly the same. I guess I'll never know.

The only person who could have any idea what I was like would be Astro, but I don't have the will to visit her in the mental hospital yet. I'm not even sure if I would be allowed. I think the only one who has gone in to talk to her is her mother. Would Astro even want me visiting her? She seemed pretty hateful towards me when I last saw her. Maybe that was just because I last saw her after turning her in to the police. Which was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, by the way.

Would Astro even tell me what I was like if I asked her? Maybe she's different now... After spending so much time in a mental hospital, they say people start to change. I don't know if I want Astro to change. I guess she already did, though. Maybe she has always been like this, and nobody ever noticed. I still consider her my best friend.

My life is a mystery, I guess. I don't have much say in what happens to me. So, all I can do now is wait. Wait to see what kind of crazy adventure life takes me on next. I'm scared but also a little excited. Wish me luck, I guess.


A/N Soooooo, what did you guys think!? I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing! I've had this story idea for a very long time and finally decided to start writing it. I had tons of fun and really hope you guys liked it :) This is the first and only authors note on this story because I don't like having one on every single chapter, so I just write one at the very end. Half the people on this site don't even read them anyways. I consider this my first book, considering my other two were just a short story I decided to post and mine and my cousin's original Creepypasta character. So this is my first actual story. Okay? Okay. Love you, my beautiful readers! Also, please comment on the story if you notice any flaws in my writing so I can fix it right away.

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