Chapter 4.

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Chapter 4.

The next day went by faster than I thought it would.  It's already 7:45 and I'm almost done getting ready. I had on some shorts with a black crop top with black knee high boots. After putting lipsick, on I heard a knock on the door. I made my way down the stairs, silently hoping my outfit wasn't too much.
"Hey Mom I'm going out for a while!" I shouted. "Alright, honey. Just be back before dinner." She shouted back at me.

I opened the door and Harrys head snapped towards it. He started to scan me from bottom to top "Wow, you look.. amazing." He said "Awweee, thank you!" I said. "You look nice yourself." I added with a  smile. "You ready?" He asked
I smiled and gave him a nod, getting in his car. As we started to go down the road, I began thinking, again, about how sexy Harry  looks. "You know," he began. "It's rude to stare." he said, breakng me out of my trance "Sorry" I mumble as my cheeks begin to flush. "It's fine love." He said

Once he called me love, I felf my face turn an even brighter shade of red and he chuckled.

We are first going to this museum. It's so nice! Then I have us a spot on a boat and it takes you around and stops and let you look at the town. After that, we can get some ice cream if you want" I said "Okay great! where is the museum?" He asked "Just a flew more block up the road, you will see it when we come up the road." I replied. He gave me a nod.
The rest of the ride was completely silent and surpsingly not awakard. It was nice.

When we got to the museum, I looked up at him.
"What do you think?" I asked nervously. "It's beautiful!" he replied, causing me to smile. "I come up here a lot to get my mind off of stuff." I said.

He nodded "What kind of stuff.. if you don't mind me asking?" He said "Just some family stuff that has happened recently." I replied, hoping he wouldn't want me to go into detail.

When he doesn't say anything I look down at my watch "We better get going to the boat ride" I said in a hurry.

It was only 9:00 but it's starts at 10 and it was about an 30 minutes drive from here. "Aright, that's fine." He said we walked out of the museum and headed to his car.

We made it just in time and I saw people were starting to crowd around the boat.

"Hey, we don't have to do this if you don't want to. We can always go somewhere else?" He said.

"Are you sure? I mean we can stay but the boat is really getting crowed up with a lot of people and I don't like crowded places." I said

"Yeah, of course!"  He said

"Alright, we can go get ice cream now?" I questioned happily!

"Hell yeah!" He said, leading me to the car.

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