Chapter 15.

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Chapter 15.
Ashley's POV
I haven't heard from Harry in three days. I tried to text him, but I don't get any reply. I was getting ready to meet Emily at the Ice Cream parlor, and when I walked outside Harry wasn't there, thankfully.
Once I got there I saw a familiar car in the lot and saw a familiar set of curls. I rolled my eyes and went to go sit with Emily.
A woman came up and took our orders.
"Hey, why is Harry here with that girl?" Emily asked
I shrugged. "I haven't heard from him in 3 days."
"That's messed up." she said.
I nodded.
That woman brought us our ice cream and I saw the Harry stand up. He turned around and we locked eyes. I watched as his eyes went wide, before looking away as he walked outside.
"Ashley are you okay?" Emily asked
I nodded once more.
I finished my ice cream and I felt my phone vibrate, it was my mother telling me to get home.
"My mom wants me home." I said.
"Alright, I love you girl!"she said
"You too." I added, walking out of the shop.
I got home and heard my mom laughing with Anne.
"Hey, mom I'm home!" I said
"Oh goody, we are having dinner with the Anne's family tonight!" she said, excited.
"Okay, great I'm gonna rest up." I said and walked to my room.
I turned on the lights and almost had a heart attack when I saw Harry sitting on my bed looking at the floor. He saw me and gave me a small smile.
"What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to say Im sorry for avoiding you these past few days.."
"Okay. can you go? I'm tired." I said
"No, " he started. "I'm not going. you're going to listen to me."
"Now you want to talk?" I scoffed. "that's not how this works. you cant just come over to my house and make me listen after 3 days of ignoring me." I said
"I'm sorry, but I've been really busy these past few days! I meant to text you, I really did. I got home and I fall asleep everytime.." He said
"Yeah sure, you were too tired for me, but just fine for Taylor." I spit.
"That wasn't what it looked like!" he started explaining, but I cut him off.
"I have to take a shower. You knkw where the door is." I left without another word. i''m really looking forward this dinner tonight.

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