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Chapter 1


Their knees graze the muddy floors, soil painted their leather boots, twigs itched at both their scalps, fingernails clogged with gunk, their bodies smelling like the forest.

Damp and humid.

Above them was a swift looking stream of fire, trialing their route like some spy, a Phoenix Inferno. It had fire-gold feathers, a sharp curved beak, long golden talons, it had three long tail feathers which were aflame, as well as the tips of her wings, with elegant eyelashes, and a picky temper like her owner.

Both of them skidded to a stop. Despite the heavy breathing of the high-noble, for once in her lifetime, she's never felt so rejuvenated in her life. It felt like a slap of cold water on her face.


His whole figure slumps against a bark of a great rain tree for support. He had his fringe glued to his forehead .

Like a tap, drops of sweat mixed dew dripped from the brown clumps, but they evaporate quickly, leaving his body a hot smoking mess.

"you lack stamina, pretty boy." She smirks, stretching her legs and her form to cool down.

Meanwhile, a loud call came from a swooping bird, dangerously diving down toward them at a magnificent speed. Instead of setting Rie's hair on fire, she perched lightly on Rie's shoulder and crooned in her ear. She reached to the back of her pocket to hand her a dried strip of meat.

"No shit sherlock." He let out a big puff of air , sinking to the ground with a dead thud.

"Oh cOmE oN V! Pull your socks and get your game on! Look at fi-fi!" She jut her chin toward her Phoenix. "She accompanies us Everyday to train to encourage you! Right, my darling?" Rie tickles the chin of her P. Inferno. The Phoenix just warbles in contentment. "It can't just be me shoving you to push yourself-"

Her voice softens, her eyes following suit.

"-you promised to win the marathon.  For me, remember?"


The boy rubs his eyes with the heel of his palms.

Only 'for her for her for her' Rang in his ears. Of course he had to do it for her.

But why her?

He turned his head towards her. His dark brown gaze cut through the humid air to match hers.

"Then why don't you join instead?"

At that, the Phoenix raised her wings, but only keep them neatly at her side when Rie shoots her a grim look. Fi-fi hops down from her shoulder and onto the floor.

"As much as I want to, you know I can't. Girls can't take part in these goddamned marathons in Koven-"

She paused eyes narrowing at him.  "-I thought you knew."

Taehyung took the hint, trying to shake it off, he coughed his eyes darting to the left.

"This messed up place just can't get any shittier huh?" The foreign words rolled off his tongue uncomfortably at the vulgarities.

He takes a hand through his hair, an attempt to hide his discomfort. Rie rolls her eyes in approval.

The poor boy sighs again, his hands hanging limp by his sides.

"I just... I.....I-I can't. I'm not suited for....running." The girl sweeps her braid over her shoulder and cocks her head to the side.

"What do you mean 'you can't'? How old are you? 18? You do know that you're about to enlist for military right? "

More steam rose from his body and he straightens his attire.

"Yeah about that. I don't need to go into the mil-" He stops there.


He reminds himself again.

He's a prince, as well as the best swordsman in all of Desinara. He'd had the talent ever since he learned how to wield a sword. Gifted as he was, people like Taehyung had abilities to conquer the world with a clap.

However before his birth, Royals sit back and see to things, dig fingers into maps, and end up with all the credit.

The Generals? No recognition. Maybe a badge or two.

But somehow or rather, digging fingers into maps seemed to get more recognition compared to the people losing their fingers in the war.

The hair on his arms rise, the thought of blood and death ravelling through him.

Noblemen with special abilities get treated like slaves roaming around the palace grounds of Koven. These special people should be cherished and protected at all costs. With such a gift sent down from god himself. What a waste.

He clenches his fists and sets his jaw, taut. Things would change in Desinara.

Change, meant by a massive makeover.

Especially when he's crowned King, judging by the advancing grey ends of father's hair.

"What don't you need to go for?" His train of thoughts drown out, and he fixes up a small smile for her.

"Military. I have...some family problems." He says rubbing the nape of his neck, stringing up a lie.

Through his poor lying, Rie could already see that there's more to the story than his lame old-schooled excuse. Fi-fi grumbled lowly, sending the lie in Taehyung.

"Let's get out of here.....I think we're done for the day." Rie looks around, stands up and starts off without him.

Taehyung just releases a sigh of relief. Both from the physical pain, and his nearly exposed identity.

~To be continued~


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