3: Desperate for Knowledge

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The morning sun glittered despite the thick undergrowth that manifested in this lower level of the prestigious Capim Town; rays of light effortlessly weaving through leaves and leaving the most intricate pattern on the ground below. Small occasional breezes disturbed the leaves of the plant life, prompting soft, gentle rustling noises as the leaves brushed up against one another. Those two in harmony with the growing sounds of life that perked up upon the massive bridge overhead, which signified that the morning had eased the citizens into the new day, welcoming their bustle and activity.

The air was calm down below, despite the buzz of excitement and business from above where the main town is. Calm, filled with nothing but pure confusion.

"You STOLE Alo from that Roserade?"

"It's not jus a Roserade, it's Kali, but yis, yer right."

"Good Arceus! You're a kidnapper!"

"Now, now! Hold yer tongue, I ain't gottin a chance to explain m'self yet!"

The two pairs of red eyes locked with each other. Nia shook her head incredulously and sighed, feeling a shard of her trust for Gait slip away. Her eyes traveled to Alo. The little Mudkip was happy as can be. He had retired to the little stream nearby, and was blowing bubbles into the air and causing ripples as the water traveled around his legs. It was hard to imagine him as being stolen or kidnapped, but at the same time, his jovial nature might lead him not to care.

A soft thud drew her eyes back to Gait. The Cubone had reformed the sharp bone, but it was stabbed into the ground with the sharp edge penetrating the earth. A tiny rush of worry pricked at her skin at the reappearance of the threatening weapon, but Nia kept it out of her posture and expression.

Gait sighed, glancing at Alo. "Aye, I wen and stole Alo from dem Roselias. But it was fer 'is own good! I was sellin stuff de other day, 'nd I saw dat Roserade go 'nd toxic up da poor tyke before takin 'im home. He looked like da devil got 'im! So, I snuck in de other day, 'nd I got 'im out! We been travelin together ever since."

"So you just stole him back... I see." Nia followed Gait's gaze to the Mudkip again, still blissfully playing. "Did Roserade want him because of his eyes?"

"Yer noticed?" The Cubone seemed genuinely surprised, as if the discoloration and the ethereal glowing that occasionally lit up the Mudkip's face was the last thing to note about the otherwise-normal water type.

"Oh sure, it took me forever to notice that the Mudkip is part glowstick," Nia shot back, lacing a thread of sarcasm into her tone.

Gait crossed his arms, his hand leaving the bone still in the ground. "Well, I'd love ta trust ya, Nia, but yer a Mawile; a dangerous Pokémon to alotta of folks. I can't have yer goin' around spillin' his secret or have yer on ma tail too." He sighed, the air around him growing frustrated, "Darn it! Dat damn Kali, I wish I could git 'er off ma track. Git' 'er arrested or sumthin."

The Mawile crossed her arms as well, mirroring the Cubone's stance, but a hot flash of annoyance seared her veins as he proposed the idea that she was not to be trusted. The feeling subsided after a moment.

'You're a Mawile: the Deceiver Pokémon. It's natural to be afraid of a backstabbing Pokémon like that,' she thought to herself, breathing deep to calm herself for a moment.

"Yeah," she breathed, "it would be wonderful to have such a nasty Pokémon locked up before she does anything else..."

With one smooth motion, Gait retrieved the bone from the ground, letting it once again dissolve into dust and float away gently on the wind. He caught Alo's gaze, and motioned with his hand for the Mudkip to come to him. The water type obliged, trotting over and splattering water in his wake.

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