Chapter 8

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I hate yellow. I hated being in this sea of yellow polyester gowns and hats. I hated that Mom insisted I wear high heels and pantyhose and all this makeup. I don't mind wearing a little lip gloss or mascara, especially at work since it helped with tips, but this was just overkill, as most things Mom takes over. I couldn't wait until it was time to just grab my diploma, toss this ugly flat hat, and go home. I was starving, and Dad promised to make an extra special burger for me in celebration.

We had a lot to celebrate tonight, after all. Two days ago, Tina graduated college with a degree in creative writing. After the ceremony, Zeke got down on one knee and proposed. There were lilies and a violinist playing. He quoted "The Notebook." It was every sappy romantic cliché in the book. It was perfect for Tina, and now they were engaged. Like, I said, lots to celebrate.

After I walked, posed for the standard picture with my brother and sister (and her obnoxious, gratuitous ring flashing), and went home, I threw the disgusting yellow outfit into the back of my closet, hopefully to die a death befitting of the least flattering color in the universe. I tossed on some clothes and went down to have my dad make an extra special burger dinner for me, Tina, and Zeke.

"A toast!" Dad held up his beer. Zeke and Gene held up their beer bottles, Mom and Tina held up champagne glasses, and I raised my soda. "To my girls who couldn't make me prouder. And to my newest son, Zeke. I know you'll make our Tina as happy as you've made me." We all kinda looked at each other. Dad meant that hiring Zeke was a good idea, but he obviously wasn't thinking about how his words were sounding out loud. Of course, he was well into his fourth beer, so we just let it slide. Dad was happy. Tina and Zeke were blissful. Mom teared up at least once every five minutes.

I was just so relieved to be FREE, at long last. Like Gene, I had decided to defer college until Gene was all done. Mom and Dad needed help and I couldn't leave them without both me and Gene. I wasn't sure a big four-year school was for me anyway. I knew what I wanted; I wanted the restaurant. Maybe some business classes, some cooking school... that would be enough for me. I could even do a lot online, so I wouldn't have to go anywhere. Tina wanted to be a writer. Gene wanted to study music. I was already set. And Dad would never ask for my references or for a bachelor's degree. I was pretty happy with things as they stood.

As I lay in bed that night I knew that not having to get up and go to school tomorrow would be the sweetest feeling in the whole world. I was messing with my computer, checking out all my friends' grad photos on social media and just wasting time. The twins were posing with their Dad. Rudy and his dad hugging. Someone made Millie a giant yellow mortarboard cake. Everyone was so happy. Soon we would all be scattered to the winds, like my brother's and sister's classes did but for today, we were just relieved and happy.


Tina went straight from her college dorm to Zeke's apartment. I think my mom was sad she didn't come home but she should have seen this coming. Tina already half lived there anyway. She never stayed with us when she came home to visit. She probably had more of her stuff at Zeke's than school. And now Gene was getting ready for school. There was a music conservatory about three hours from here and his audition was next week, the day after my birthday. We were going to postpone the party until it was over. I would celebrate turning eighteen and Gene's admission together. I had no doubt he would get in.

He learned to play the keyboard (for real) by the time he was in high school. Then he learned several other instruments because the music teacher at Huxley kept assigning him to take over for missing students in Jazz and Concert band. Gene refused to join the marching band because of work but he could play the bass guitar just as good as the keyboard and he could fill in on xylophone and tympani if called on. He learned to play harmonica from Teddy. He tried to learn clarinet from Pescadero but gave up after two hours. Dad assured him five instruments was enough.

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