Chapter 13

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"Who the hell is Mr. WonderWharf?" Logan was looking over my shoulder to read my text messages. I had just been walking down the street and had stopped to answer another text message from a guy who responded to my BurgerGal profile. I sat on the steps, where Logan and I first met. His face suddenly popped over my shoulder and made me want to hit him on the nose for his prying.

"A guy who persistently messages me from that ridiculous online dating site you created in MY name. But," I conceded to Logan, "he's somewhat charming."

"You sure are writing him back a lot for someone who says she doesn't want to online date." Logan sat next to me and pulled me into a headlock. I stabbed him in the ribs with my elbow and he let go.

"Well, since you're so obsessed with your new girl, I had to make do and settle for Mr. WonderWharf." I tried to make my joke lighthearted but immediately regretted saying something so close to the truth. "What do you think his name means? Does he live there?" I tried to change the subject.

"Trust me, the only people who live down on the wharf are not guys you want to be dating."

"Hey, I'm open minded." I protested his over-protectiveness.

"Hobos?" He retorted. I laughed.

"Are they hot?" That made him laugh. "Well then what else could it mean? Does he work there? Just love it there? Oh! Could it be Mr. Fischoeder?! I wanted to marry him for his money when I was a kid!" I looked to Logan for a minute, just to see the look on his face.

"If he works there, he's either a boring suit or a carnie. Neither of which is really Louise-worthy. If he just loves it, then he needs a new hobby. And as far as I know, Mr. Fischoeder is nearly in his eighties." Logan explained.

"Even better. He'll be gone soon. More money for me. Although this guy tried to describe himself as a younger and more handsome Brad Pitt." Logan began to chuckle, then full out laugh at that.

"So probably not Fischoeder. Why are you talking to this whack-a-doo anyway?"

"Why did you sign me up for online dating but get all pissy when I talk to someone on here?" I glared at Logan for being so nosy, for sitting so close, for not being in love with me. I shook my head to clear it of thinking, or of feeling, or whatever and stood up.

Logan gave me a hurt look. "Sor-ry Lulu. Didn't mean to be so critical of your one true love. I'll leave you alone." And then with that, he walked away. I watched him go, unable to say anything.


I just went back to work that day and focused on food. Focused on serving and customers and prep and anything that was distracting. It kinda worked, for a while anyway. But then I heard my phone chirp: a message from Mr. WonderWharf.

<You've been quiet BG.> He shortened my name, BurgerGal, to BG. I called him Mr. W.

<Sorry, Mr. W, been working. Trying to fight off a bad mood. Know any good jokes to cheer me up?>

<I've got a cheesy one.>

<Hit me.>

<Why couldn't you hear the Pterodactyl in the bathroom?>

<I don't know, why?>

<Because the P is silent!>

<Wow... that was so bad.>

<But you smiled, didn't you, BG?>

<Yeah, I guess so. Thanks>

<So why are you in a bad mood?>

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