Chapter 9

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A few weeks have passed since Liberty left North Beach. Brayden has felt nothing but sorrow and angst for Liberty. Thursday night, two days before Samantha’s planned night, Brayden and Samantha are sitting in a cafe just around the corner from the grill. Although they were sitting in the shade on the deck of the cafe, Samantha still wore her sunglasses. She scooped some mocha ice cream onto her spoon and took a bite.

“Brayden,” She said with a sharp tone in her voice. “What’s wrong? You’ve been acting strange ever since that bitch Lindsey left.” She went back to eating her ice cream. “It’s Liberty.”

“Liberty, Lindsey, same thing I don’t care. But thank’s for telling me what’s wrong. I really feel that you find me as someone to talk to.” She put her spoon back into the ice cream bowl and stood up.

Grabbing her bag as she turned around. Before she left, she looked at Brayden with sad eyes. “Brayden, I really hate being around you when you’re like this. Call me when you’re not sulking around anymore.” Samantha didn’t even hear what he said as she walked quickly back to her car.

After Samantha left, Brayden stayed at the cafe for 20 more minutes. He mostly thought about his life, and what he was going to have to do to keep Samantha off his back. By 4:00, Brayden was in his truck and driving back to his house.

Driving home, he realized that he may never see Liberty again. She may be coming back over the summer, but that’s not a 100% guarantee. She could meet some college boy, and go on some amazing trip with this other boy and his friends.

For some reason, this made Brayden really angry. He slammed the door to his car hard, and stomped his way up to the front door. Jamming the key into the lock, he raced to his desk and pulled out stationary. He feels the need to get everything out on paper. Brayden had never been good at writing letters, so he writes one to no one intentionally.

He breathes in and starts, the first few letters don’t seem right so he scratches them out fiercely. He leaves his desk and lyes on his bed. He stares at the ceiling, and he starts to think. He and Samantha are together yet he loves Liberty. He would say he loves Liberty more than he loves Samantha, but how can he do that when she’s halfway across the state? A single tear slipped out. He stood up and ran over to his desk. He scrambled for the good beginning words. 

Dear Samantha.

I have been acting strange I know    I need you to understand that

Its liberty...thats the reason. I told her I loved her and she told me she didnt love me back. Yet I was angry with her and she talked to me a few nights later and told me she loved me. Samantha I cant do this anymore...of  lying to you…We have gotten farther into our relationship and I don’t want to loose it… yet I want to be with liberty. Please, this is for the best. You don’t even understand how hard it is for me. You’re a beautiful girl you’re better off with out were from the beginning. I love you, I do but I don’t feel it anymore...So I have to say goodbye. 

~Brayden ♡

He knows this is the right thing to do. Brayden sealed the letter in an envelope and kissed the front. This was a stupid fight, a stupid mess. Everything was. He started to cry, knowing this was a really meaningful to him he didn’t stop himself. 

He closed the front door hard as he started his car back up. He looks up at the sky as he pulls out, it was getting darker with every second. At the stop light, he checks his phone. “Five-fifty?” he exclaims. He realizes he’d been writing this letter for over an hour. As he looks around the car, he starts to think about his first kiss with Samantha but it turns into memories of Liberty coming up to his car less than a month ago the afternoon before she told him she loved him. He smiled a sad smile. He reached into the back of his car and pulled his blue hoodie on and stepped on the gas. 

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