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CW: There are implications, though not direct mention, of sexual violence/trauma in this chapter as well as some light sexual contact.  'In Your Own Words' is intentionally non-graphic, but if you are someone who finds this kind of content triggering, I implore you to proceed with caution, stop reading, or message me for a chapter summary should you like to finish the story with some distance between you and the subject matter.

Texts sent March 30, 2017 at 5:12pm:

Weston Maguire: Do you have a restaurant preference?

Cassie Belford: Not really, I just can't do sushi or seafood.

Cassie Belford: Shellfish allergy.

Weston Maguire: I remember. Cassandra Belford, 21, likes blue and is allergic to shellfish.

Cassie Belford: Actually, I'm 22 now. My birthday was a few weeks ago.

Weston Maguire: How the hell did I miss that? We talk multiple times a week.

Cassie Belford: I didn't want to make a fuss. Besides, do I strike you as a birthday person?

Cassie Belford: I didn't mention it in any of my emails. Don't worry about it.

Weston Maguire: Still. I can't believe I missed your birthday.

Cassie Belford: It's not a big deal, everyone has them. There are probably millions of birthdays today that we're missing.

Cassie Belford: What time were you thinking for tomorrow?

Weston Maguire: Peter's lending me his car, so I'll get you at 5:30pm?

Cassie Belford: 5:30? Are we seniors in college or seniors in life?

Weston Maguire: We've got other stuff planned for later, so it'll be an earlier dinner.

Cassie Belford: Oh. Okay.

Weston Maguire: Really? You're not going to ask questions or fight me on it?

Cassie Belford: Not this time.

Weston Maguire: Jesus Christ, I'm floored.

Cassie Belford: Watch yourself. I'll see you tomorrow.

Weston Maguire: Yes ma'am.

. . .

to: simon.idzik@baderu.com

from: cassandra.belford@baderu.com

subject: My date with Wes

sent: April 1, 2017 at 12:02am


I know you're at Sarah's faculty event, and that you won't be checking your email anytime soon, but you're the person I want to talk to about this. Even if you can't talk back right now. I'm sure you'll come home in a few hours, and then you'll listen to me and hold my hand when I start to cry. But I need to do this now, before I lose my mind.

I really liked him... I still really like him. But it didn't matter. You were right---I wasn't ready.

He was seven minutes late to pick me up, but I didn't care. I waited outside on the steps of our building and tried to settle my nerves. I guess I was a little anxious.

He got out of the car. "How long have you been waiting?" he asked.

"Not long," I said, and then I stood up to meet him.

"Hey, we match!" he grinned. He'd worn dark jeans, a light blue button down, and a charcoal blazer. I was wearing a blue dress that Sarah got me for my birthday. It was almost the same shade as his shirt.

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