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I held the door of my favorite FroYo place open for Kaycee to enter.

"Wow this is amazing." She looked like a kid in a candy store, which she basically was.

"Don't you have these places where you are from?" I asked her unbelievingly.

"Nah where I'm from it was a 30 minute drive to the next grocery store." She said smiling thinking about her home.

"Where are you from anyways? I figured it must be somewhere in the midwest." I told her about my observation.

"You're right about that. I'm from a small village in Indiana. Nothing special, but really special to me." She looked so happy thinking about her home.

It was great getting to know something about her past. Knowing what she was made of. Where she grew up and how she became the wonderful person she was. Still I had to be careful. There was something in her past that made her really sad.

"When did you move to LA?" I asked simple questions. I left her the choice to either open up or just answer shallowly, if she wasn't comfortable speaking about it yet.

"Actually only a month ago. Honestly it's kind of crazy living here. Everything is so big here. It is really overwhelming." She answers my question.

"Do you miss your home." I asked her carefully trying not to hit any sore spot.

"I do a lot. When I first got here I had nothing. No friends, no family and no job. But I feel like I'm doing great now. I do miss my family a lot though. I FaceTime them every evening." She said sounding happy and sad at the same time.

"You moved here on your own?!" I couldn't believe what I had just heard. From what I figured she was only 16 years old, maybe 17.
"Wait, how old are you again?" I asked her.

"16, but I'm turning 17 in a few weeks." She told me.

"Wow that's just crazy. I couldn't imagine living on my own." I told her even more impressed by her than I was before. She was so mature.

"To be honest I still haven't got used to it. I feel lonely sometimes. I don't really feel like home here. But I had to take this step in order to pursue dance as a possible career. You know living the dream." She said, but it didn't really seem sincere. I couldn't overhear the part about her being lonely, even though she tried to cover up.

"You know that if you ever feel lonely, you can just call me or come over to my place." I told her being a hundred percent serious.

"I'll keep that in mind." She said gratefully. Looking up to me with that spark in eyes shining brighter than anything in the world.

We walked over to the counter and ordered our froyos. I got a vanilla one with cookie crumbles on top. I always was rather simple about these things, thinking that too much would ruin the taste. Kaycee obviously had a different pick on that. She got a strawberry,chocolate, mint one with gummi bears, rainbow sprinkles and smarties on top.

"That's a rather interesting combination." I chuckled looking at the poor employee, who looked really grossed out by what he had to assemble right now.

"We'll go big or go home." She said proudly. "Yours is boring."

I handed the employee a bill paying for our froyos. He gave me the change and I quickly ran out of the door before she could protest.

As predicted she ran behind me furiously. "You know I can pay for myself." She tried to look really angry and intimidating, but she just looked even cuter to me.

"I know that really well, but I just thought it be a nice thing to do. By the way you look like an angry leprechaun right now." I locked her cracking up once I saw her angry face.

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