49: Movie Night

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The boys had showed back up at the apartment just after MinHee and Cora had moved the coffee table and set out hundreds of pillows and blankets in the table’s place. MinHee answered the door and ushered everyone inside before declaring that she needed to make a run to the store for snacks and popcorn. Without really volunteering, Jackson followed her out of the apartment.


“What are you guys in the mood to watch?” Cora asked, sitting on the sectional and pointing the remote at the television.


All of the boys started shouting different genre’s and titles, sitting in the pit of pillows and blankets and bickering about it. Mark moved to stand behind Cora. She looked up and he kissed her gently. “How was dinner?” He asked.


“I couldn’t eat. There’s some left overs if you want to try some. I can’t promise that it isn’t poisonous though. I did have a hand in making it.” She joked, and he kissed her again, before the others could turn and see them. She looked back at the television. “Why don’t we wait and take a vote when MinHee and Jackson come back?”

MinHee stood awkwardly in the middle of the candy aisle of the corner store, watching as Jackson reached up to the top shelf to grab a box of Milk Duds. MinHee had looked at them a bit too long, so Jackson immediately decided he had to have them.


He threw the box into the basket he was carrying. “Okay. What else do we want?” He asked, and MinHee shrugged. “Come on. I know you have to like at least one thing in this aisle.”


Cora had demanded Swedish Fish, Bottle Caps, Milk Duds, and Butterfingers, so those had been put in the basket first thing. Cora could get a little emotional over her candy. Pumpkin taffy, Bio Fruit, Pocky of all different varieties, chocolate bars, Rice Candies, a variety of Maru, fresh jellies, and some salt candy that Cora had enjoyed.


Jackson turned to MinHee. “Pick one.” He gestured to the stand, and MinHee frowned. She reached out, grabbed a bag of HiChews and threw them into the basket. “Just HiChews?” She rolled her eyes. “Fine. Let’s go get some popcorn.” He started out of the aisle, and MinHee followed behind him.


They walked down the aisle where the boxed and canned goods were kept. Jackson stopped in front of the boxes of popcorn. “Pick one.” He said, gesturing to the dozens of popcorn boxes. MinHee shrugged and Jackson sighed loudly, setting the basket on the ground. “Stop being so difficult.” Jackson signed, and MinHee stared at him, completely surprised. “I’m trying here, but you’re making it so hard.” He continued, and MinHee’s jaw dropped. “Can you just,” He put his hands down. “Pick one that you like, MinHee. I can get normal popcorn for everyone else. Pick one for yourself.”


Stunned, MinHee stared at him for another few moments before knocking a box of plain popcorn into the basket. Jackson slapped a box of extra butter and movie theater butter popcorn into the basket and then picked it up off the ground. “They do taste different.” He announced before starting towards the cash register.


The check out went quickly, and when the cashier told them how much they owed, MinHee reached for her wallet. Skillfully, Jackson held MinHee’s hand so she couldn’t reach her wallet and pulled his out, opening it and pulling out money with one hand before MinHee could so much as react. “I’ve got it.” He muttered, paying the cashier and shoving his wallet back into his pocket.

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