Chapter 21

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2 days later and the Christmas decorations in the town square were being set up for the annual festivities. The guys had all volunteered to help out with the decorating and were having a lot of fun streaming lights and setting up the carolling stage.

Magnus and Clary were helping some of the local kids hang their hand decorations from the massive tree while Alec and Jace were climbing up on scaffolding to set up the stage for the music. Simon sitting on a stone bench just across the path from them, tuning his guitar and Isabelle was helping some girls from the local day-care sort through donated toys for the charity fundraiser.

Alec glanced down towards the bottom of the massive 20ft tree to see Max sat on Magnus' shoulders, hanging his home-made snowflake decorations. He smiled at how cute Magnus looked in his black pea coat, red and white striped scarf and matching mittens and little reindeer antlers headband across his head. Alec waved down to his parents as he saw them approaching, hand in hand, thick coats on to brace against the cold.

He and Jace climbed down to join the group as they congregated around the stone benches in the middle of the square. Simons' mother, Elaine, brought over a huge tray of hot chocolates, much to everyone's delight. Alec sat back on the bench behind him, savouring the feeling of the steamy hot drink in his freezing cold hands and snuggled into Magnus as he perched on Alec's lap.

Magnus ran his hand under Alec's letterman jacket and over his stomach to wrap around his waist to snuggle back into his embrace.

"Hey" Alec whispered in Magnus' ear, confident and full of lust.

"Hey" Magnus smiled sweetly as he turned to meet Alec's eyes, noticing his wide pupils right away. He sweetly and quietly giggled as Alec nipped a couple of tiny kisses into his bottom lip.

"When do I get to steal you away for a few moments? I haven't had you to myself in days" Alec asked, a little forlorn.

Magnus instantly felt guilty, he had almost subconsciously avoided being alone with Alec for the last couple of days so that he could avoid bringing up the subject of George's message. He knew he had to tell Alec about it, they were always honest with each other. but now, Magnus was worried that Alec would be mad that he'd left it for so long without telling him like he had something to hide. But that couldn't be further from the truth.

He hadn't told him right away because he was in shock and then suddenly it had been 2 or 3 days and now he didn't know how to broach the subject.

"Later. I promise" Magnus told him as he lifted Alec's chin with his fingers to kiss him sweetly. The little twinkle in Magnus' eye didn't go un-noticed by Alec.

All the guys and their parents, friends and siblings carried on helping to set up the festivities. Simon managed to get all the lighting working just as darkness started to approach, met by a cheer from everyone as the whole town square lit up with twinkling silver lights.

It was stunning! Like a winter wonderland; sparkling lights hung from every tree, arch and surrounding building, a light blanket of snow over the ground and a spattering of tiny snowflakes floating in the air. It was so romantic, Magnus couldn't help but reach for Alec's hand to steady him as he gazed around in wonder and awe.

Alec wrapped his arms around Magnus from behind, swaying as their bodies were pressed together and taking in the beautiful scenery around them.#

"Merry Christmas Baby" he whispered in Magnus' ear.

Magnus leaned his head back, relaxing into Alec's embrace as their bodies moved softly from side to side and the happy, beautiful Christmas music began to play from the huge speakers at either side of the bandstand style stage.

"We need to talk" Magnus whispered. He instantly hated himself for ruining the romantic moment they were sharing but he needed to tell Alec about George.

Alec looked a mixture of confused and worried as he slowly pulled back, letting Magnus turn in the cage of his arms.

"Is everything okay?" Alec asked softly.

Magnus smiled a thin smile, trying to reassure Alec that it was nothing to worry about. He took Alec's hand to lead him away to a quiet spot. They found a stone bench at the edge of the square, away from the crowds. He decided to show Alec the message before saying anything.

Magnus pulled his phone from his pocket, opened up the Twitter app and opened the message from George and handing it to Alec.

Alec looked a little bemused, but took the phone, noticing what he was looking at, he met Magnus' eyes with confusion before Magnus nodded back towards to phone, telling Alec to read the message.

Magnus watched a thousand emotions run across Alec's face as he read.

"I don't understand" Alec paused for a second, "Are you telling me you're leaving me?" He asked around a lump in his throat.

Magnus' heart shattered in his chest.

"What?! No!!" Magnus quickly said a little louder than he meant to, but so devastated at that being the first thought to run through Alec's mind.

"I got this message a few days ago. I just didn't know how to tell you. Look I'm not gonna lie to you. When I saw it. It stirred up some old feelings" Magnus said, looking down at his hands. "But by the time I'd finished reading it, all I felt was angry. He has no right after all this time." Magnus finished shaking his head.

Alec was relieved as he took Magnus' shaking hand in his own, bringing him more comfort than he even knew he could.

"Alexander, I love you," Magnus said quickly, realising that he hadn't reassured him of that yet.

"I love you too" Alec replied, smiling comfortingly at Magnus.

"He broke my heart" Magnus whispered after a few moments, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

Alec shuffled closer, wrapping his arm around Magnus.

"I'm going to reply," Magnus said, taking back his phone and starting to type furiously.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Alec asked, worried that it might make Magnus feel worse. Alec would have just ignored the message and moved on. But Magnus needed closure. He needed to tell George how he felt, both then and now. And to make sure that George knew he had moved on and he was happy now, happier than he had ever been and that despite what had happened, he hoped that George was happy too.

Magnus sighed as he fired off the message, not realising how much relief it would bring him.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," Magnus told Alec.

"Don't be" Alec replied, "I just hope you know that you can always talk to me. About anything. You don't ever have to put on a brave face with me. You loved him once, he's a part of you, he always will be. You have nothing to be sorry for. I know you'd never do anything to intentionally hurt me. The same as I would never do anything to hurt you." Alec explained as he softly held Magnus' cheek in the palm of his hand.

Magnus turned to kiss Alec's palm, bringing his hand up to hold it in place as he did so. He'd never understand what he'd done to deserve Alec, but it must have been something amazing.

"Come on," Alec said, holding Magnus' hand and rising to his feet. "It's over, it's done. All I wanna do is share a perfect Christmas with you"

Magnus smiled, flirtatiously tucking his chin into his shoulder for a second before standing and kissing a sweet little kiss into Alec's lips.

They rejoined the group as they listened to the middle school choir singing beautiful Christmas carols.

"Everything okay?" Izzy mouthed to Alec as they rejoined everyone, noticing their absence just a minute before.

Alec smiled in response with a little nod. He laughed a little to himself, knowingly. It really was okay, if anything, this had strengthened their relationship and now both he and Magnus knew that no one could come between them.

Everyone broke out in a chorus of cheers as Simon hopped up the stage steps and up to the microphone. Alec and Jace whistling and hollering to support their friend. Izzy looking at him in adoration. She loved to see him perform.

"This is for my beautiful girl. And for anyone of you that are lucky enough to be in love this Christmas. Isabelle, I love you baby" Simon said, meeting Izzy's eyes and making her blush.

Alec stood behind Magnus, wrapping his arms around him in a warming and comforting hug, swaying with him as Simon broke into "Please come home for Christmas", playing his guitar, with his foot up on the speaker at the front of the stage.

Alec glanced over at Izzy, watching her boyfriend with all the love in her heart evident on her face, then over at Jace and Clary, who were facing one another, smiling with their foreheads pressed together as the danced sweet and slow with their arms wrapped around each other.

Finally, Alec wasn't the one on the outside anymore, watching from the sidelines. He was front and centre for the for the first time in his life, he was in love. He snuggled into Magnus, who melted into his embrace.

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