Chapter 32

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A few weeks later;

Alec's arm was finally healed and his sling off and there were just a few more days of school before he, Magnus and their friends were heading off to the lake for 2 weeks.

Alec was probably more excited than the rest of them. He'd been to the lake a few times when he was younger and he loved the tranquillity of it. Plus he loved kids so was looking forward to spending some time teaching kids to swim and helping them have a really fun vacation.

Alec was packing his books in his bag, loving the feeling of being able to use both of his hands after so long, he knew what he'd rather be doing with his hands right now. He smiled as he looked in the mirror, checking his look before running his hands through his messy hair to tidy it up. He grabbed his backpack and headed downstairs to grab some pancakes for breakfast.

It was the first time in a long time that he wasn't just grabbing a cookie or 2 for breakfast on his way out the door. Just for once, he was up, showered, dressed and ready with time to spare.

"Good Morning Sunshine," Maryse said, a little surprised, as he sat down at the kitchen table, hanging his bag on the back of the chair.

"Morning Mum" Alec smiled before pulling his phone from his pocket to text Magnus.

'Dad said I can borrow the truck today if you want a ride? I can pick you up in about a half hour? x'

Magnus replied almost immediately.

'Sounds good to me, Thanks cutie x'

Alec smiled as he tucked his phone back in his pocket just as Maryse put down a little plate with 2 pancakes and some strawberries in front of him.

"You're in good spirits," Maryse said, observant as ever as she sat down at the table opposite Alec, sipping her coffee as she waited for Max and Isabelle to come downstairs before she made their breakfast. She and Robert had been up for hours and had already had their breakfast and Robert was just finishing up the morning chores outside.

"Just excited to get home and start packing tonight. Is it okay if Magnus stays over?" Alec asked before tucking into his pancakes like he was starving.

Maryse nodded as she continued to sip her hot black coffee. She'd never advertise it, but she loved having a full house of people to feed, it brought out all her mothering instincts.

Alec chugged half a cup of black coffee and threw the rest of the pancakes and strawberries down his throat before grabbing his bag and calling Isabelle who came running down the stairs, all ready but looking everywhere for her shoes, which Alec handed to her with a roll of his eyes and a little smirk.

They headed outside to grab the keys from their dad who pulled them from his back pocket and underhand tossed them to Alec.

"Thanks, Dad" Alec smiled.

"Have a good day guys" Robert called as he finished up sweeping out the chicken coops.

Alec started up the truck just as Izzy got herself up in the seat and strapped in. He was eager to see Magnus today. They hadn't seen each other for a couple of days being busy with finishing up work for classes and Alec getting back into football practice after his injuries had all healed. And after the dream that Alec had woken up with a smile from this morning, he was eager to get even just 2 minutes alone with Magnus.

"Are you all ready to go for Saturday?" Izzy asked. She'd been packing since February, it was like she thought she'd be changing 3 times a day.

"Almost," Alec said, lying, he hadn't even started. "I was going to ask Magnus to come over tonight to help me finish packing," Alec said as they descended the long driveway.

"Packing? Suuuure" Izzy said sarcastically, nodding as she smiled, looking out the window.

Alec smiled, not even trying to deny the obvious innuendo.

"Morning" Magnus sang as he jumped down from the brick wall he was sitting on at the end of his front yard, waiting for Alec.

He looked really good, which wasn't doing anything to stop Alec's already mischievous thoughts from running wild.

Magnus had on black, ripped skinny jeans, red sneakers and a black and red striped T-shirt finished off with a black bomber jacket. He'd also added some red streaks to his spiky hair again. No book bag today, just a couple of textbooks tucked under his arm.

Alec looked him up and down, lust in his eyes and a smirk on his lips, which Magus definitely noticed as he approached the drivers' side window to greet Alec with a little kiss before he strode around to the other side of the truck and climbed up into the long bench seat beside Izzy.

Unintentionally, Alec and Magnus were almost matching with the colour scheme today, Alec donning a plain red T-shirt and running shoes, but he'd gone with dark blue jeans.

They pulled up in the university car park just a few minutes later. Alec loved the feeling of being able to drive again, having the use of both hands back was something he was never going to take it for granted again.

He took Magnus' free hand as he came around the side of the truck to meet him.

They hung there for a while, waiting on Simon, Jace and Clary.

Simon's yellow van came rolling around the corner, sounding like it had seen better days and backfired as it pulled up into the parking space alongside the Lightwoods' truck.

Magnus' first reaction was to glance at Alec, worried that the loud noise may have startled him. But he was fine, smiling and shaking his head at Simon's mess of a van.

Magnus was relieved, the counselling that Alec was getting was obviously helping and he was getting back to the old Alec again.

"I know, I know, Don't worry, she's getting fully checked over and fixed up on Friday before we leave," Simon said, coming around the side of the van, hands up when he saw the looks of worry on Izzy's face.

They were all relying on Simons van to get them to the lake and back and if she broke down on them, they would all be screwed.

Alec leaned up against the side of the truck, pulling Magnus' body flush against him to kiss him properly, running one hand around Magnus' waist, just under his jacket and his other hand cupping Magnus' jaw.

"You wanna come over after class today? Help me pack? You can stay over" Alec hummed quietly, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively as he settled his hands in the small of Magnus' back.

Intimacy had been a little awkward recently, with Alec's sling getting in the way being spontaneous wasn't as easy. So Alec and Magnus were both looking forward to getting to be a little more adventurous again.

Magnus held the wrist of one hand in the other behind Alec's neck.

"Wild horses" he whispered, making Alec smile as he swiped their noses together.


"Thanks for dinner, Mama," Magnus said before he and Alec headed upstairs.

He was stuffed from the gorgeous veggie lasagne that Maryse had put together with vegetables fresh from her garden.

Alec leaned against the thick wooden door as he closed it behind him, excited and his eyes full of suggestion.

"Come on, let's get your suitcase. I'm guessing you haven't packed a thing?" Magnus said, being the grown up, making Alec pout comically.

Magnus rolled his eyes with a little laugh and nipped a kiss into Alec's pouting lips. "You know, the quicker we get done..." Magnus explained, making Alec groan as he stood up straight and walked towards his little walk in closet.

"Where's your luggage case?" Magnus asked, looking around the dim lit closet, his hands open, palms up in confusion as he tried to find it.

Alec just pointed up. Magnus looked up, sighing when he saw the high shelf that was too tall for even Alec to reach.

"How on earth did you get it up there?" Magnus said frowning as he stood on his tiptoes, trying to stretch enough to pull it down. No luck of course.

"I sat Max on my shoulders" Alec laughed.

Alec thought for a moment, smiling as he watched Magnus try to concentrate on stretching his arm out to reach it. He was still way too short.

Alec crouched down and tucked his head between Magnus' knees before rising up, sitting Magnus on his shoulders.

"Woah!" Magnus almost yelled, unsteady, holding on to the edge of the first shelf with one hand and the top of Alec's head with the other.

"Got it" Magnus said as he pulled the black, wheeled case down from the shelf, holding it in his arms as Alec lowered him down to his feet again.

"Thanks!" Alec smiled, nipping a kiss into Magnus' lips. Now Magnus was the one playfully pouting.

Alec laid the case on his bed, unzipping the front and walking over to his dresser.

"How many pairs of jeans do you need, 4? 5?" Magnus asked.

"Yeah, 4 should do it. Can you grab a couple of pairs of shorts too?" he called to Magnus who was rummaging around in the closet. "And flip-flops" he called out after a second.

Alec grabbed several pairs of boxers and pairs of socks from his top dresser drawer, basically just throwing them in the case. He didn't care for packing neatly at the best of times, let alone when there was the promise of sex after he was done.

He grabbed a stack of T-shirts from the drawer, 7 or 8 of them in total, lots of greys, blues and a couple red and black. He also grabbed 3 pairs of sweatpants and ran out to the linen closet to grab a towel and a washcloth.

By the time Alec got back to the room, Magnus was sat cross-legged on his bed, taking all the clothes back out of the case and folding them nicely one at a time to put them back in.

Alec rolled his eyes, not caring about creases in his jeans, but Magnus would have killed him if he'd sealed up the case looking like that.

Lastly, Alec grabbed a couple of button up shirts, a dark grey hoodie, a pair of sneakers and a pair of tan work boots, his laptop, chargers for both that and his spare phone one and then went to the bathroom to put a few toiletries into a small travel bag.

He dumped everything on the bed and gave in to helping Magnus fold his clothes neatly, hoping to get the formality out of the way as soon as possible.

"Is that everything?" Magnus asked, to which Alec just nodded as he zipped the front back up, tucking his chargers into the front pocket.

"That wasn't so bad was it?" Magnus laughed, standing up off the bed and wheeling the suitcase over to the side of the room where it would sit until Saturday morning.

Before Magnus fully turned around, Alec had come up behind him, scooping him up and pressing his back against the wooden bedroom door.

Magnus giggled flirtatiously as Alec ran his hands up under his shirt, the pads of his fingers exploring Magnus' body as he kissed his lips messily, breathing heavily.

Magnus smiled as he licked and bit at Alec's bottom lip before meeting his fiery passionate eyes, nodding, giving Alec permission to take control.

Alec pushed Magnus T-shirt up, pulling it off over his head before cupping Magnus' jaw with both hands, kissing him with every ounce of passion in his body.

Magnus' knees went weak as he held on to Alec's wrists, keeping his balance as he kissed Alec back, not bothering to fight for dominance, Alec was already winning that battle.

Alec sank to his knees in front of Magnus, devouring his abs with sweet little nips and kisses and his hands fumbled to unbutton Magnus' skinny jeans.

Once they were unbuttoned, Alec pulled back for a second to pull his own shirt off over his head, moving his hair out of his face with a little flick of his neck once the shirt came off.

Alec grabbed Magnus' hips with both of his strong hands, working on inhaling those abs once again, devouring him as Magnus pushed Alec's hair back from his forehead.

After a few moments, Alec stood, pressing himself against Magnus' body, the skin to skin feeling had his heart racing, desperate to uncover more of Magnus.

Magnus kicked his jeans off as he kissed Alec desperately, running his curled fingers tenderly up and down Alec's chest, hardening his nipples as he brushed them.

Alec unbuttoned his own jeans and awkwardly kicked them off as Magnus rolled his head to one side, letting Alec nip and suck at the delicate skin in the crease of his neck and collarbone as he worked on getting his jeans off.

"Kiss me again" Magnus whispered heavily as he rolled his face back up level with Alec's.
Alec obliged, of course, breathing raggedly as he sucked at Magnus' bottom lip.

They stepped awkwardly towards Alec's unmade bed, Alec falling back onto it with ease, pulling Magnus with him by the waistband of his boxers.

Magnus nipped and sucked at Alec's nipples, paying each one equal attention as Alec closed his eyes, running 1 hand through Magnus' hair as he did his thing.

"Hmmm" Alec moaned as Magnus continued to suck at the delicate skin of his nipples, making Magnus hum his approval, low in the back of his throat. The vibration through Alec's skin set all his nerves on fire.

Magnus peeled off both of their boxers as he carried on working his tongue over Alec's peppered chest.

Now, sufficiently naked and turned on, Alec was ready to take back dominance. He flipped Magnus back over onto his back, pinning his wrists to the pillow over his head as he devoured his lips once again.

Alec could feel Magnus' hardening length pressing against his stomach, hardening his own with ease.

"Fuck! I love you so much!" Alec whispered as he ran kisses over Magnus' cheek, neck and collarbone and down to his shoulder, biting soft love bites and leaving red teeth marks.

Magnus moaned his approval with every bite Alec made into his skin, his body writhing in pleasure. It was amazing how Alec could be dominant and yet still tender at the same time, it made Magnus feel so safe and protected.

"I love you too" Magnus panted, running his hands up and down Alec's smooth alabaster back.

Alec shuffled down the bed, running kisses down Magnus' sternum and stomach. He wrapped his hand around Magnus' dick as he licked at the base, his hot breath hardening Magnus completely.

Magnus moaned and shuddered at the intensity of the pressure of Alec's hand around his cock. His eyelids fluttered as he carded one hand through Alec's hair, his other hand pinching at his own nipple.

Alec enveloped the whole of Magnus' length into his hot panting mouth, twisting, sucking and circling the head with his tongue, dipping into the slit every so often.

"Oh my... Fuck! Alexander!" Magnus panted, now running both his hands through Alec's hair. Besides Alec being the love of his life, he was also the best sex he'd ever had. So loving, so tender and so unbelievably hot!

Alec picked up the pace, rising and falling on Magnus' dick in quick desperate sucks, gagging and creating a slurping sound as he got plenty of lubrication from the saliva filling his mouth, mixing with the precum leaking from Magnus' tip.

Alec sank down one last time, bracing himself for the feeling of Magnus' cock head brushing the back of his throat, humming when it did, watching the vibration send shockwaves through Magnus' body.

Seeing how Magnus' hips bucked at the sensation made Alec smile as he hollowed his cheeks, pulling off of Magnus' cock with a pop.

Alec ran kisses back up to Magnus' neck, crawling back up his body slowly before meeting his lips once again. Magnus kissed him back lazily, trying to find the strength in his weakened body to kiss him back the way he wanted to.

Alec reached down to jerk his own dick, not really needing to, he was hard as a rock already, watching Magnus' dazed, turned on body roll in pleasure beneath him was enough to have blood rushing to his cock, hardening it instantly. He continued to kiss and suck at Magnus' exposed neck as he teased him, running the tip of his own cock up and down the crack of Magnus' ass.

Magnus managed to find enough strength in his body to fumble around the bedside drawer for the lube that Alec kept there, opening the bottle and pouring some into Alec's hand where he held it flat, waiting.

Alec ran the sticky liquid around his fingers, running some over his shaft a little before releasing it and running his fingers teasingly around Magnus' tight asshole.

Alec slid his middle finger in with ease, sitting upright on his knees as he did so so that he could watch Magnus writhe in pleasure at what he was doing.

He used his left hand to softly stroke himself as he watched Magnus pant and shuffle, rolling his hips, fucking onto Alec's finger, his hard, still wet cock, bouncing against his stomach.

Alec smiled, watching Magnus jerk and moan as he pinched at his nipples, rolling his head back into the pillow.

Alec added his index finger, making louder, more intense moans escape Magnus' mouth, some voluntary, some not. He fucked into Magnus with his fingers, stretching and scissoring his fingers as he sank knuckle deep, twisting and turning as he felt Magnus loosen up around him.

He sank in a third finger, making a loud moan escape Magnus' mouth. Magnus hissed at the pressure in his ass as Alec continued to twist and scissor all 3 fingers. He bucked his hips, panting Alec's name as he fucked down onto Alec's hand once again.

"Alexander, it's not enough! I need more!" Magnus panted, his dazed, blown eyes meeting Alec's.
Alec sunk his 3 fingers knuckle deep one last time before pulling out quickly, leaving Magnus' opening twitching and empty.

Magnus involuntarily whimpered as Alec pulled out, the little while that escaped him begging and pleading for more.

Alec lifted Magnus' ass from the bed, spreading his cheeks and running kisses up the soft skin on the back of Magnus' thigh. he straightened up again, lining his hard twitching dick up with Magnus' entrance, teasing him again as he softly pushed the head just into the hole.

Magnus begged and moaned as Alec breached his rim with the soft slick head of his cock, he could feel the blood pulsing through it, vibrating his sensitive opening as Alec sank in painfully slowly.

Alec leaned forward and sucked at Magnus' lips once again as he sank into him, watching Magnus' eyes roll back in his head as he got around 6 inches deep, smiling knowing there was still around 3 inches to go and he was already close to brushing against Magnus' prostate.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Magnus panted as he twisted and wriggled, scrunching his eyes shut as the head of Alec's dick scraped against the nerves deep inside him.

Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec's neck, kissing him back as he started to roll his hips, fucking so deep into Magnus, he could barely find the energy to move his lips.

Alec held onto Magnus' knees, pressing them into either side of his neck, tightening Magnus around him as he started to speed up, pounding into Magnus' prostate at a punishing pace.

Magnus raised his hands over his head, gripping the headboard in his fists as he hissed at the intense pleasure shooting through his body in bolts and waves.

He linked his ankles together behind Alec's head, while Alec used his biceps to keep Magnus' legs in place, moving his strong hands down to Magnus' chest, pinching at his nipples as he pounded and rutted into him, hard and fast, not pulling out more than an inch each time, just enough to use enough force to have the whole bed rocking beneath them as he furiously beat against the smooth plump flesh of Magnus' ass.

"Fuck!! Oh my God, Alexander!! Yes! yes! Please don't stop" Magnus whined, moaning and panting.

Alec leaned forward, releasing Magnus' legs, letting them fall to the sides, opening Magnus up a little wider for Alec to adjust his angle. He placed his hands on either side of Magnus' head, bunching the pillow up in his fists.

Alec rolled his hips in long drawn out thrusts, almost falling from Magnus each time he pulled back.

Alec smiled as he panted, caressing Magnus' jaw with one hand, watching his eye flutter open and shut as he breathed soft little moans each time Alec sank into him again.

Magnus noticed that Alec's arm was starting to shake, a little weak from the exertion he supposed. He placed his hand flat on Alec's chest, signalling him to move back.

Magnus rolled Alec over on to his back, without letting Alec fall from him as he sat straddling across Alec's lap.
Alec held firmly on to Magnus' hips as they started to roll, Magnus' body moving like poetry in motion.

Magnus ran one hand over Alec's chest while the other stroked at his own dick.

Alec loved nothing more than feeling the pressure of Magnus' body pressing down on him, gravity working it's magic as it allowed him to bury himself as deep as he could inside of Magnus' sweet, tight ass.

Alec ran his hands over Magnus' golden muscles in his arms, panting and throwing his head back against the pillow as Magnus picked up the pace of the roll of his hips.

"Fuck, Magnus, I'm close!" Alec stuttered, breathing heavily.

"Me too" Magnus moaned as he continued to roll and bounce his hips.

And with that Alec felt his balls tighten, his grip tightened on Magnus' hips, digging his nails in to the top of Magnus' ass as he erupted inside of him, shooting pulse after pulse of hot sticky ropes beating against Magnus' prostate, sending Magnus over the edge as he also shot load after load across Alec's stomach and even up to his chest, the force of his orgasm more intense than anything he had ever felt.

Magnus was so light headed he almost passed out. Alec sat up to steady Magnus' weak body against his own as the roll of Magnus' hips slowed to a soft gentle pace.

"Fuck!!" Magnus moaned as he threw his head back in sheer pleasure as his orgasm drew out, milking every drop from both of them.

Alec pulled Magnus head back upright to kiss him lazily with the tiny bit of energy they both had left. They both smiled into the kiss, loving and flirtatiously.

Alec turned to grab a few tissues from the box on his nightstand while Magnus kissed tiny little kisses into the crease of Alec's neck, his hips still lightly rolling, pretty much moving of their own accord.

Alec cleaned up the mess across his stomach before Magnus dismounted him, cleaning up the mess from himself as well before he collapsed onto his side beside Alec.

"That was incredible" Magnus panted, making Alec chuckle.

Alec rolled onto his side, now face to face with Magnus, he continued to kiss his numb lips lazily, swiping their noses together, lost in the dreamy afterglow.

"I need a shower before I sleep" Magnus hummed, quiet and tired.

Alec perked up, the thought of round 2 exciting him enough to make his eyes sparkle.

"Oh no," Magnus smiled, pressing Alec's body back down against the bed as he tried to stand up and make his way to the bathroom.

"I actually need to shower and if you follow me then you and I both know that we might not make it to the shower" Magnus winked as he walked towards the open bathroom door, swaying his hips just to tease Alec a little.

Alec smiled as he watched Magnus go, linking his fingers behind his head as he watched the light catch every notch in his golden complexion.

Alec was asleep by the time Magnus came back into the room, scrubbing at his damp hair with a soft white towel.
Great, now Magnus would have to make him shower in the morning before class. He rolled his eyes with a smile as he finishing drying off his hair and got into bed, snuggling up to Alec's side.

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