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I was in the first 200 people to play The Seven Arts. I started to create my character, I had long reddish pink hair with black and red clothes. I was about to choose my weapon, I was trying to decide on either the 1 handed sword or using 2 short swords. Eventually I chose the 2 short swords, after that I was given the choice to pick my special art. I said I wanted a dash of some sort, with maybe a little bit of damage. The game showed my character dashing behind them and then back multiple times, it was exactly what I wanted and the game also said that it gives me partial invincibility. I got to choose a power after that, I said I wanted one that increased my speed exponentially. The game gave me a power that multiplied my speed by 10. After that I saw a cutscene of a team fighting a massive armor wearing skeleton, one of the people fighting says "it had only 1 life bar left. Why's it at full health again!" The narrator says that the world is harsh and unforgiving. If you die in the game you can never play as that character again, it showed the party getting killed by the skeleton. After that I loaded into the game, I saw my clan waiting for me my friend Max said to me "where have you been, we've been waiting for you." I replied "I didn't think I was gone that long, all I did was create my character and watch that cutscene" he shook his head and said "how long did ya take creating your character" it took me about 10 minutes to make it I replied. After that we decided to go out to the jungles to level up, right before we left another clan loaded in, it was Drake and his clan. They seemed more focused on tanking than dodging, Drake had chosen the 2 handed sword as his weapon and he told me that his art had him doing a combo where every hit would double the next hits damage up to 800% damage. And his skill was to block 5 attacks completely. After that his clan went into the plains while mine went to the jungle. The first thing we did was split up into teams of 2 so we could split the XP evenly. My team was myself and Max, the first enemy we fought was a massive snake called a Boa, I instantly used my dash to do some damage and it was down to 3/4 health after my attack Max went to attack it but was poisoned before he could attack so I used my power and went to attack it, it tried attacking me too but with my new speed I dodged and went for an attack right on its neck. I had killed my first monster. I helped Max by giving him my antidote I had bought, he said thanks and that we should keep moving so we don't fall behind the other clan mates. I agreed and we set off again looking for more monsters to kill. We did this for about 2 hours before meeting back at the town to buy anything we needed. Me and max were at level 15 which was the highest in the clan. We went to the store and I had 1000 gold while he only had 750 there was a set of short swords that had 10 more attack than mine but I decided that I should save my money for the second floor. Max on the other hand bought a better 1 handed sword. After that we went outside to see mine and Drakes clan arguing on who gets to farm the desert. More and more people had been coming in but the desert was only for levels 10 and above so they had to go to the plains with Drake's clan. We decided that every hour we would switch off on who gets the desert between my clan and Drake's, after that I talked to Drake about making our clans 1 clan but he didn't think his clan would like that. After that my clan logged off but I stayed to farm in the desert with Drake, we farmed for another 3 hours after that and I was level 25 by the time we were done. I logged off and finally went to bed after that.

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