Chapter 2

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All things wicked start from an innocence...

~Ernest Hemingway

(Y/n) POV
As the bell rang me and namjoon continued our small chat on the way to my next class. "And Choi had a coat full of gum, we had to shave off all his hair just to get it out" namjoon gave off a hardy laugh "your dog sounds really silly" "he really is an- " namjoon you're needed in the deans office" said some girl. Namjoon nodded then turned to me "looks like I got to go your class is just around this corner, I hope I see you later." He smiled whilst he gave me a hug and walked away.

I then continued onto my next class, but as soon as I turned the corner I ended up bumping into another persons back. 'I really need to stop being so clumsy'

"Oh snickerdoodles I'm sorry, I didn't see you around the corner" a beautiful male with grey hair turned around to face me. "If you wanted to touch me you could've just ask and I'd let you"I tilt my head in confusion not knowing what he meant. Just then a shorter male with pink hair peeks out from behind him. "Oh tae she is such a cute little innocent thing" I just giggled at the statement. 'Awww they are so silly'
I thought to no one in particular. Soon the grey haired male stuck his hand out and gave me a cute box smile "I'm Kim taehyung, you can just call me tae and this little Mochi next to me is park jimin."

At the sound of his name he sends me a wink and I blush at the gesture. "I-I'm kang (y/n)" I give them a shy little wave. "Awwww she is so cute I could eat her right now" I looked at him confused not understanding what he meant. "Eat me does that mean I would taste good, I don't think person is good for you.... is it?" At my question jimin burst out into laughter "omo she is such a cute little innocent thing." I giggle along with his loud laughter and start to walk into the classroom, while tae try's to calm jimin down.

As soon as the door to the music room is shut I hear the sounds of beautiful piano music from the back corner of the classroom. I gaze back there to see a mint haired guy with his eyes closed while he plays the piano. I realize what song he is playing so I closed my eyes and get swayed along with the melody . I barely noticed I started to sing as I was so invested in the music.

[a/n her voice is beautiful shout out to all those people who love to sing]

I was so immersed in singing I did not even notice the piano had stopped. By the time I finished the song I heard a round of applause and opened my eyes to see what I'm guessing was my whole class in the front of the classroom. I blushed out of embarrassment 'oh no they heard me singing.' soon a shout comes from the back of the crowd "whoohoo go (y/n)" I see tae at the back of the crowed, jumping while trying to get my attention. After that the teacher has the class get seated, and I introduced myself "ok miss (y/n) if you will please sit in the chair between tahyung and Yoongi. At the mentioned students names they both raise their hands and I walk over to the chair.

"Welcome (y/n) I didn't know you were going to attend this class, this is going to be so much fun" I chuckle at his enthusiasm and notice that he has a saxophone in his lap. 'I guess he plays the sax' I turn to my other side and see the mint green boy from early, he gives me a tired smile and offers me his hand "Hi there babygirl I'm min Yoongi you have a very nice voice by the way." I shake his hand and blush at the compliment "Y-your piano skills are great also" I say with a stutter 'oh cheese why did you stutter (y/n) now he thinks you're weird.'

He gives me a gummy smile and pats my head. I give a confused look but shrug it off and continue with music class. By the end of the class I learned a lot more about taehyung and Yoongi seeing as the teacher didn't have much to teach today. So the whole class spent the period talking to their seat mates.

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