chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The airplane is landing on the ground of Mumbai.

"Thank you , hope you have enjoyed the journey"

The airhostee speak on phone.

Outside of Mumbai Maharashtra airport,

As the scorching sun beat down on the bustling streets of Mumbai, a plump man fidgeted nervously outside the Maharashtra airport, eagerly scanning the sea of faces for his awaited guests. Suddenly, his eyes lit up as he spotted them, and with a joyous grin plastered across his face, he hurried towards them.

"Sir, welcome to Mumbai! Hello Arjun beta, how are you?" he exclaimed, enveloping them in a warm embrace.

Arjun returned the greeting, "I'm good, how are you?" glancing mischievously at the protruding belly of the man standing before him.

Anirudh interjected, "Arjun, Karan, where is the car?"

Karan, slightly embarrassed by Arjun's teasing, quickly responded, "It's over here, come with me."

As they settled into the comfort of the car, Arjun's eyes eagerly drank in the sights of the city around him. Though he had only visited Mumbai once before at the tender age of five, his memories were sparse and faded with time. This journey was sure to weave new tales into his recollection of the vibrant city he once briefly encountered.

As Anirudh rolled down the window to take in the sights and sounds of the bustling Mumbai streets, a familiar voice echoed in his ears, speaking of the unique charm of the city's rains and the magic they held when shared with loved ones.

"Yeh Mumbai ke baarish ki baat hi kuch aur hai, aur yeh khas tab hote hai jab koi pyaara aapke saath ho, jaise ke tum," the voice whispered, enveloping Anirudh in a wave of nostalgia and warmth.

Shaking himself out of his reverie, Anirudh glanced out at the backdrop of the city and announced their arrival. "Hum pahuch gaye, Arjun," he said, signaling the end of their journey.

Stepping out of the car, Karan leading the way, they retrieved their bags from the trunk and made their way towards the entrance gate of a prestigious high-rise residential apartment. As they passed by residents who whispered amongst themselves, Anirudh paid them no heed, his focus solely on the task at hand.

Arjun, glancing at his father for reassurance, followed closely as they entered the building. The click of the lift doors closing filled the silence, and Arjun couldn't shake the weight of anticipation settling in his chest as he inched closer to the moment he had been longing for - finally meeting her.

The lift ascended with a nervous Arjun inside, his anxiety palpable as it reached the 30th floor, the pinnacle of the building. Stepping out, his eyes fixed on the door to the penthouse.

Bihaan pressed a button on the intercom, and the door swung open to reveal a girl standing there. As she knelt down to meet Arjun at his eye level, she introduced herself, "I'm Bondita, your mother," gently caressing his cheek. Anirudh watched the touching moment unfold before him.

Seated in the elegantly adorned hall, Arjun observed the tastefully decorated surroundings, realizing that his mother and father shared a similar sense of style. Karan then introduced Arjun to his grandmother, Sumati, and his aunt, Tapur, who greeted him warmly.

Sumati tenderly ran her fingers through Arjun's hair, trying to make him feel at home. Bondita graciously offered refreshments and sat beside Arjun, acknowledging the difficulty of the situation. "It may not be easy for you to accept a woman as your mother all of a sudden. Can we start as friends?" she asked, seeking his approval.

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