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Chapter 3

BoBondita and Anirudh stood facing each other, their eyes locked in a silent but powerful exchange of emotions. Anirudh's gaze shifted away, a flicker of unease crossing his features, while Bondita gracefully bent down to pick up a fallen bottle from the floor.

"I was just picking up the bottle," Bondita explained casually, her voice betraying a hint of defiance.

Anirudh's response was tinged with sarcasm as he remarked, "Planning to set yourself on fire with it, were you?"

Responding in kind, Bondita retorted, "If I were to set a fire, it would undoubtedly be for you." Anirudh was taken aback by her boldness.

"What? Me?" he questioned, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Do I need to speak louder for you to understand? Is your hearing failing you?" Bondita teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Anirudh's patience was wearing thin. "Watch your tone. Your impulsive actions, like landing in my lap in front of everyone, including Arjun, do not go unnoticed. What will he think?"

"Arjun's father is a pervert. It's the truth," Bondita shot back, her words cutting through the tension in the air.

"How dare you. One day, you will push me too far that , Bondita," Anirudh warned, his voice laced with a hint of threat.

Before the situation could escalate further, Arjun walked into the room, his presence bringing a momentary pause to the heated exchange.

Arjun: "Why are you both arguing like this?"

Bondita: "Arguing? No, no, we were just... clarifying. Oh yes, I was clearing my throat since I had a lot of ice cream tonight. If my throat is sore tomorrow morning, your grandmother will remind me with her medicines. I was shouting to clear my throat."

Arjun: "Nonsense. That's not how you clear your throat. You should take some medicine."

Anirudh thought to himself, reflecting on Bondita and Arjun's banter. "Arjun beta, you're wasting your time and energy on these senseless people. They always create chaos."

In that moment, Anirudh's mind drifted to his past, reminiscing about the challenges and complexities he had faced before.


Sports club,

where a takeover presentation is underway.
this club is heritage for Many.this is in the number one position.

And this is the three phase project.And this is the cash low analysis of this.

Rathore: So Anirudh, what's your opinion?

A man is shown in shadows lounging in a president chair smoking a cigar & coolly eyeing the proceedings. Its Anirudh ..
The Anirudh, Anirudh roy choudary..uber rich, debonair & sleek.

Anirudh stand tall as the patriarch of an intellectual bent and corporate dynamism he means no-nonsense and his class consciousness often shows a sympathy and humanism of Layton's quality and strong.

He seems disinterested in the meeting
He stands up and going out of meeting.
All are pluzzed.

Rathore: Anirudh what happened to you.
Your team said you were interested in this deal.

Anirudh gives a look and then went out.

anirudh is playing chess alone ,he always complete with himself.
karan come to him.

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