chapter 13

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Brian walked into the room with Brock in it, as he walked in he saw the weak human laying in the bed with his eyes closed. He cleared his throat and Brock opened his eyes a bit. Brock made an attempt to sit up but Brian walked over to him to offer help. Brock put his hand up to say, don't. Brian put his hands up and watched Brock sit up.

once Brock was up he looked at Brian and patted the bed beside him. Brian moved to the spot but he was a little further away then Brock had expected. Usually demons don't know what personal space is but he did.

" I just want to say, thank you. You saved my life and you didn't have to do that for me." Brian smiled, showing his fangs as he did so. Brock winced a bit from the memory of being bit by him. Brian stopped smiling and they stayed quiet for a second. Until Brock had to ask a dumb question.

" So who is your mate?" This caught Brian off guard as he looked at Brock with wide eyes.

" What?" Brian asked dumbfounded that he would ask that question.

" Uh, I don't have a mate." Brian answered, Brock's face paled as he realized that he might have brought something up.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry. I didn't know. I just assumed that a handsome guy like you would have a mate by now." Brock said, Brian looked at him wide eyes and Brock realized what he said.

" Well, thanks for saying that I'm handsome. tbh I wouldn't mind if a cute guy like you called me that." Brian smiled as he looked at the dark red on Brock's face. Brock was trying to hide his face with his hands. Brock felt soft, warm hands on his wrists as they pulled his hands away from his face.

Brock looked up to see Brian but he was met with lips on his. Brock blushed madly as they kissed, but he soon fell into it. They kissed for another second and they both pulled apart from the heavy shock that went through them.

" What was that?!" Brock asked as Brian was still trying to get his head around the secret information that zipped around in his Brain. This human was his mate.

" You...You're my mate." Brock's eyes widened as he looked at the demon in front of him.

" What?!" Brock yelled as he tried to stand but his legs nearly gave out on him apon standing. Brian was quick to catch Brock before he hit the floor, making Brock blush madly. Brian placed Brock on the bed and laid him down.

" Thanks, again." Brock said as he felt sad when Brian nodded his head and turned to leave. " um... Brian," Brian turned around and looked at the tired human. " Do you think you can sleep with me tonight, I don't want to get attacked by another demon." Brian blushed but he nodded his head.

Brock moved over on the bed and let Brian get into the soft furniture. Brock felt the covers get pulled over Brian and he smiled, feeling comfortable around another being. they both blinked a few times and let sleep consume them.


The next morning----

Brock woke up to a strong grip around his waist, he yawned and looked at the arms that surrounded him. He followed the arms and was lead to Brian's face, he blushed a bit and tried to not wake up the sleeping demon.

Brock removed Brian's arms and slipped out of the grip. But only to be pulled back in. Brock yelped as he felt the arms push him against a chest and a head was laying on his shoulder near his neck.

Brock moved away but everytime he moved Brian's head was lull towards him more. Brock sighed but that sigh came out loud and heavy. Which woke up Brian.

" What are you doing?" Brian said, his voice sounding deep from the sleep. Brock's face flushed red as he tried to get back up. Brian smirked when he saw the blush on Brock's face. He pulled brock closer to him and hugged him to his chest.

" Brian..." Brock still continued to get away, but failing as he was turned around and facing towards Brian's chest.

" Brian let me go, please." Brock said trying to be kind to the other male, but only getting a evil smile in return.

" Now why would I let you go...?" Brian said as he got closer to Brock's neck. " When I can have fun with you." He licked Brock's neck, making him shiver and slightly pull away. "Brian..." Brock couldnt say anything else as he was looking into the red eyes of want and bloodlust.

Brock saw the struggle between the real Brian and his demons side. Brock really didn't want to get bit from Brian but the pain clear on Brian's face.

" Brian, you can... bite me." Brock said with a slight pause for what he was about to say. Brian nuzzled into Brock's neck, but Brock didn't feel any pain. Brian moved away and left the room with speed that Brock could barely see.

Brock laid in the bed and looked at nothing for a few secounds.


Brian ran through the area to find an animal to kill. Any animal would help. Brian ran through trees as he listens for any kind of heat beat. He stops running when he hears the familiar beat.

He looks around and notices a wolf, be didn't want to go after the wolf, but the urge was to great for him to fight. He attacked the wolf and held it down, his fangs came out and the hunt over came him. In a matter of seconds the wolf laid lifeless.

When he was done, he looked at the wolf and noticed its colors. The light brown color indicated that the wolf was an omega. He looked around for any pups but didn't see any, he just heard the faint sound of whimpering.

He walked over to the sound and saw four pups in a group. One was whimpering as he was slightly bleeding from its leg.

" They probably got attacked by another wolf." Brian said to him self as he walked over to the pups and picked them up. He listened out for a group of wolves near by, when he found one he dropped the scared pups there.

They ran to the members and Brian turned and left the area.

Brian was walking back to the house as he was thinking of what he going to do for the rest of the day.

" Hello, Brian." The to familiar voice echoed through Brian's head, as he tried to get away from the voice. " let's finish what we started." The voice wouldn't go away, as Brian started to run away. He fell to the ground when his head became blurry with grey everywhere.

His eyes clouded over as he sat in silence, there was a chuckle from behind Brian. there stood Ohm, with his hand pointed at Brian.

" let's go."

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