He loves her

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Dan’s POV

“Phil?”, I shouted from my room. “Yes?”, Phil answered, his steps getting closer. I didn’t say anything after that, mostly because I wasn’t sure what to say. I’m sure he stood in front of my closed door when he said “Yes Dan, what is it?” I still wasn’t sure what I was about to ask, so I stayed quiet again. I didn’t hear him walk away. I assumed he was still standing at my door. He again said, this time louder than the times before “Dan! What is it?” It sounded like he got mad at me so I stood up and walked to my door and opened it. There he stood, beautiful as always. He looked at me with an expecting look on his face, that’s when I realized that he still expected an answer, but I had none. “Phil I- I was wondering if- if you would mind ordering some pizza?” He gave me a confused look and said “At 4 in the afternoon Dan?” “Y- yes”, I stuttered. “You weren’t really planning to ask me if I could order pizza, wasn’t you?”, Phil asked me. NO! Of course I wasn’t, but how do you tell your best friend that you loved him? “Yes Phil, I was”, I then said. He sounded serious now when he said “Daniel, if you are not going to tell me what the real matter is, I’m going now.” I nodded and said “Phil, I can’t.” The only thing I saw was Phil turning around, leaving and saying “Okay Dan.” I went back to my room, closed my door and started crying as quiet as it was possible. I hoped Phil didn’t hear it.

Phil’s POV

“Okay Dan”, I said and walked away. Damn Philip, why did you do that? You should have stayed, questioning why he couldn’t tell you. What if he did something wrong? What if he did something illegal? What if he murdered someone? What if he loved me as much as I loved him? I laughed at the last thought. Of course Dan was straight, I knew that. He just recently broke up with his girlfriend Tracey. Well about 2 months ago but still he had a girlfriend. I walked back into my room. I thought maybe I should just order pizza like Dan wanted me to, so I did. 30 minutes later the door bell rang and I heard Dan asking “Phil could you…” He got interrupted by me saying “Yes Dan, I’m going.” I opened the door and gave the man the money while he handled me the pizza. “Dan! Pizza is here!”, I shouted. “Phil, what?”, Dan asked confused. “I got the pizza you wanted me to”, I said. Dan got out of his room and gave me a confused look. “You really ordered the pizza?” “Looks like pizza doesn’t it?”, I said jokingly. Dan laughed. “Thanks Phil”, he said and took the pizza to the kitchen. He sat on one of the chairs and gestured me to have a seat, too. I sat beside him and he offered me a slice of pizza. I nodded. How could you say no to pizza? After 15 minutes we finished the pizza and Dan threw the carton in the trash. “So, what is the thing you couldn’t tell me, Dan?”, I started to ask, because I was curious. Dan didn’t reply. “Dan?”, I asked again. “Phil I just…” and with that he ran into his room, closing the door behind him. Did I say something wrong? Why wasn’t I allowed to ask that question? Because he said he couldn’t tell me, I reminded myself. I realized that 5 minutes has passed since Dan ran into his room while I was thinking what to do next. I went out of the kitchen, back to his room, where I have been today before.

Dan’s POV

I heard Phil knocking on my door. At least I assumed it was him. “Dan open the door”, I heard him saying. I didn’t reply. “Dan, please”, he said again. I didn’t want to say anything in return. “Dan when you don’t open the door, I will!”, he said and with that I stood up, wiped my tears off my eyes and opened the door. “What is it, Phil?”, I said with the calmest voice I could do after I had cried for the last 5 minutes. My eyes must still look red, so I didn’t look up to him. He didn’t say a thing but I think he noticed I cried when he pulled me into a hug. I felt a lot better now. I didn’t want this to end, but soon enough he pulled away. “Thanks Phil”, I mumbled, still didn’t looking up. “What’s the matter, Dan?”, he started to ask again. I really couldn’t tell him, but I also knew he wouldn’t stop asking so I said “It’s- it’s because of Tracey, I- I think breaking up with her was a mistake.” I now looked up to him. “Why did you say you couldn’t tell me, Dan?” That’s what I was thinking about, too, soon enough after I said that. “B- because I felt stupid.” “Why would you?”, he asked me. “Because I broke up with her and now I want her back. You know, it was me who broke up with her and now I regret it. I know it’s been 2 months now, but I haven’t stopped thinking about her”, I lied. Phil nodded “Okay Dan, when you need someone to talk, I’ll be there”, and with that, he left. I felt bad for lying to my best friend, but what was I supposed to do? I never even loved Tracey but I didn't want him to notice that it’s him who I loved all the time. But you can’t say that to your best friend. Even when I can’t remember Phil having a girlfriend since we have met. But that doesn’t mean he likes guys, he could just not love anyone. Or maybe he kept all his girlfriends secret because he noticed I love him and he didn’t want to hurt me. At this point, everything could be possible. I couldn’t really stop thinking about it.

Phil’s POV

He made things clear. He didn’t love me, he still loved Tracey. Maybe I should just move on. Or maybe I should try harder, but what’s the point? Dan is straight and I’m indescribably in love with him. This is not fair. I’ve been in love with him since the first day we met. That’s why I never had a girlfriend, well or in my case, a boyfriend. I wonder what Dan was thinking right now. Then I reminded myself that probably Tracey was on his mind, not me. 

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