Chapter 2 - Ryan

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This club was good. Loud, but good.

The bright lights and smoke coming from different points around the room, combined with the loud music and shots that Mikey (our tour manager) had bought us made this the best end of tour celebration yet.

We had just come back from spending three months touring the Uk - one of our favourite tours yet! With our new single Juliet and the songs from our new album being released soon, so many more people are becoming Geese - which is amazing. Just thinking about how far we have come is mind blowing - we started out as 'The Groove' doing rubbish covers in Andy's kitchen, and now Lawson has a huge fan base and Juliet is number three in the charts!

Smiling, I grabbed another shot from the table. I was planning on getting properly smashed tonight.

Looking around the club, I spotted two hot girls hanging around the bar and making eyes in my direction. Smirking to myself, I tapped Joel on the shoulder and gestured in their direction. He immediately understood, and we both casually approached them. Leaning on the bar next to them, I had just opened my mouth to introduce myself, when Joel's phone rang. Mouthing 'sorry' at me, he pulled it out of his pocket an glanced at the screen. He shrugged, and walked off to find a door.

Damn. I was going to have to do this on my own. Nevermind, I could manage without a wingman for the night.

"Hey ladies would you like a drink?" I casually asked.

They both turned in my direction and looked me over, smiling as they did so. This was going to be easy.

A few minutes later, I had gotten both girl's numbers, and was getting ready to dance with one, when I saw Joel out of the corner of my eye.

He looked furious - his face was red, his hands were curled into fists. Quickly saying goodbye to the two girls, I pushed my way through the crowd to where he stood.

"Mate, what's wrong?" I asked.

"It's Jessie. She called and she was crying. If that asshole Will has done anything to hurt her I will kill him I swear." He growled.

Jessie was his best friend - they had been really close for years. I had only met her a few times - Joel was extremely overprotective of her. He had even broken the nose of one guy that had been joking with his mates about banging her; but I'm pretty sure he never told her that. I think he feels like he is her older brother, but he goes a bit overboard sometime.

"Oi mate, calm down. I'm sure she will be alright! where is she now?" I said, trying to calm him down before he did something stupid like punching someone.

"She is at ours. Turns out she had driven somewhere and didn't want to go back. You're alright with her crashing at home for a bit?"

"Yeah man that's fine. Do I finally get to meet her properly?" I joked, knowing he would get mad at me, but it would distract him from worrying about Jessie.

"Don't even think about trying anything on her Ryan. She won't fall for your manslut ways." He threatened, "Plus, if you hurt her I will rip your balls off!"

"Jeez mate I get the message I was just messing with you!" I laughed, "Now, quit worrying and let's celebrate the end of an awesome tour!"


A few hours later, we were completely drunk, and stumbled out of the taxi Mikey had put us into. Andy had already puked outside of the club, and Joel looked pretty close to doing the same on our front step.

After a lot of fumbling, I managed to fit the key into the lock, opening the door and using it to hold myself up. At this point, Joel was leaning pretty heavily on me, giggling about the shapes the light made on his face.

Managing to shut the door, we crept into the hallway and Joel started to wobble up the stairs, when a form on the couch made me stop. Who the hell was sleeping in our house?

Wait, Joel said something about someone, who was it? Jemma? Jodie? No wait, was it Jessie? Yeah that was it. Jessie, his best friend. She was pretty. I could only see her hair and half of her hace, but I really wanted to stroke her hair. It was long and a dark blonde colour and it looked really soft.

As I got closer, I noticed she was shivering under her thin jumper, so I grabbed on of my hoodies that was in a pile on the other sofa and laid it carefully over her. She was too pretty to freeze.

Happy with my act of kindness, I tiptoes out of the room and up the stairs, collapsing fully dressed onto my bed and falling straight asleep.

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