Chapter 5 - Jessie

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Taking a deep breath, I pulled my purchases out of the shopping bag and laid them out on the bed. I still wasn't entirely convinced, but a girl in the hanging rooms had persuaded me to buy them. She had gushed so much that I felt like it was the only thing I should get.

Grabbing my outfit and a towel from the cupboard, I made my way down the corridor to find Joel - deciding to shower before the lads did. The only problem was I had no idea where the bathroom was - hence why I needed Joel. As I left my room, I heard someone singing really loudly, well, not exactly singing but warbling. It sounded like someone had recorded an opera and then edited it so it sounded like a chipmunk.

Confused, I strained my ears and managed to pick out the lyrics to We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus through the deafening noise. Laughing to myself, I crept towards the door that the noise seemed to be coming from, ending up at the opposite end of the house. By this time I was desperate to find out who was singing, so I reached out and pulled open the door before I had really thought about what I was doing.

The singing suddenly stopped, and I found out who was behind it. On the other side of the door, stood Ryan, a towel wrapped around his waist and a hairbrush in front of his mouth, surrounded by steam from the shower.

Feeling my cheeks hearing up, I gasped, jumping backwards and slamming the door shut, mumbling "Shit oh shit I'm so sorry I was looking for the bathroom oh shit."

Through the door, I heard laughter, and them Ryan's voice calling "Well I guess you found it!"

"Yeah, um.. I'm going to go now, but nice singing?" I called, feeling slightly less mortified: the image of his naked torso burnt into my brain. Not that I really minded that.


Applying the last touches to my eyeliner, I took a step back, scanning my eyes over my reflection. My new dress was gorgeous - the dark blue material hugging my body and making my legs look so long. Making sure it sat right, I ran my hands through my curled hair and checked my lip gloss hadn't smudged. It was time to party.

"Jessie are you nearly ready? The everyone turns up in about 5 minutes!" I heard Joel call from downstairs. Taking a deep breath, I slipped my feet into my black heeled boots, yelling "Yep I'm on my way!"

Clutching the banister, I managed to make downstairs just as the doorbell rung and a minibus full of loud boys and girls piled into the house.

In the couple of hours I took to get ready, the lads had completely changed the look of the house. All of the fancy, homey touches had been removed, and were replaced by disco lighting, a mini fridge full of the booze Ryan had bought, and all of the furniture had been pushed to the sides of the room. It was the perfect party atmosphere, and looked very practiced, like this happened a lot.

"You did a good job of tidying up!" I murmured in Joel's ear, creeping up behind him.

"Holy shit Jessie don't do that!" he yelped, jumping miles into the air, spinning round to face me. As he took in my outfit, his eyes widened and his mouth fell open.

The sound of Joel screaming had captured the attention of everyone in the room, meaning all eyes were on me. Feeling awkward being the center of attention, I ran my hands over my hair and blushed, murmering a hello. Finally realising no one knew who I was, Joel started doing the introductions, pointing to each person and saying their names. After five different people, I realised that there was no way I could remember all these names and faces, so gave up trying and let my attention drift, and my gaze fell on Ryan. He was looking amazing in a pair of black skinny jeans, a black tank top and a dog tag around his neck. As I admired him, my eyes flickered to his, and I noticed him doing the same to me. When our eyes met, he winked at me, making my stomach flutter as I bit my lip and looked away, tuning back to Joel's introductions.


The party was in full swing: people grinding on eachother in the room that now resembled a disco, and everyone holding a red paper cup full of booze. I was propped up against a wall, sipping my drink and people watching as I only knew the Lawson lads, and they had all disapeared.

"Jessie right?" A girl with long dark blonde hair and super cute glasses asked as she stopped in front of me.

"Umm yep?" I replied, confused as to how she knew my name.

"Oh thank god! That would have been really awkward if it wasn't you! Anyway, Joel said to get you because they are about to start playing Truth Or Dare and he said you would want to join and that you didn't really know many people here. Not that it's a bad thing but yeah." The girl rambled, "Oh I forgot to say, I'm Lyndsey!"

I liked her already. She had a genuine smile and seemed like she was always talking and smiling about something.

"Oh that sounds fun!" I replied, shooting her a smile.

"Great, come on!" she cheered, grabbing my arm and leading me into the kitchen, where the Lawson and The Wanted boys were all sat on the floor in a circle, a few girls sitting next to them. When we sat down inbetween Joel and Ryan, they all looked up and smiled, calling out greetings to Lyndsey, and repeating their names for me.

"Right, now everyone's here we can get started then!" the guy who I think was called Max said, turning to Andy and asking, "Truth or Dare?" with a smirk.

"Dare." was his immediate reply, as he grinned back at Max. Joel had explained earlier about how they were really close - Max had been there for Andy through some bad times and they always had each others backs.

Squinting his eyes and rubbing his chin in an over exaggerated momement, Max finally came up with a suitable dare.

"Right. Andy I dare you to make out with Emma for 3 minutes. Someone can time you on their phones." he called, pointing to another blonde girl with blue eyes, wearing a secretive smile on his face that led me to believe he knew something about the two, both of whom were blushing. Shooting Max a glare, Andy leaned across the circle, wrapping an arm around the girl's waist as he kissed her, Joel hitting start on the timer on his phone.

When three minutes was up however, the pair seemed to have forgotten all about their audience and were still locked in their kiss. Everyone laughed and the noise seemed to break the connection between them. Breaking apart, they both looked incredibly sheepish. Smirking to himself, Andy grabbed Emma's hand before she could return to her seat and pulled her across the gap to sit in his lap, and turned to Ryan, who was sat to his left.

"Ryan, truth or dare?" he questioned, his accent coating the words as he asked.

"Umm.. dare. But none of this kissing crap. Think of a good one." Ryan eventually decided, his words some sort of challenge.

Whispering with the people either side of him, Andy finally turned back to Ryan and announced, "Ryan, I officially dare you to swap phones with Jessie for 24 hours.

"What? But, my phone? No. Why?" was Ryan's response, sounding horror struck at the thought of not having his phone for a whole day. I started laughing, but then the words Andy had said finally registered in my mind.

"No! Why my phone?" I murmered, resting my head on my hands. What would happen if Will called and Ryan answered? Will would tell him what happened and he would tell Joel. There was no chance I was letting that happen, and it was bound to if I let Ryan have my phone. But there was no way I could get out of it without explaining why, and that was what I was trying to avoid.

"Okay. Fine." Ryan and I decided at the the same time, reluctantly passing over our phones.

It was going to be a stressful 24 hours.

{Authors note}

Hey guys :) sorry this took a while! it's probably the longest chapter I have ever written so wow.

Shoutout to the girls who won my insta competition to be in this because you are all super super cool and I'm enjoying setting you up with your faves :).

Also Emma tysm for commenting and saying all the lovely things about this!

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