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Have you ever come to wonder how the concept of monsters came to be? Who was the first monster? My mother always told me the tale of the beginning; it differed from my father's. First, before the story, she would ask me a simple question, "Vivian, my dear, what is your definition of a monster?" From a young age, it was engrained in my mind that the true answer was me. I was and beast in false flesh, cursed, and disgusting. My father bent over backwards to convince me of the 'true' story of monsters, and to be honest, it was a repetitive tale without my mother's deep hatred.

Long ago, before the concept of time itself, the Supreme Deity created a plain man and a beautiful woman who bore wings like an eagle's, but she was unfaithful to her husband and therefore casted away and replaced. I am the child of that woman- Lilith- and her affair, Lucifer. Cursed, I became like a humanized wolf, a being of "disgrace" is what my mother called me when she left. I was five, an age that is just old enough to be influenced by such a scene. My mother wanted children, just not myself, and so she took to stealing children alongside the fae. At one occurrence, she attempted to steal the child of a lowly god, but by the end of her efforts, not only was she without the babe, but her ability of flight. Around this same time, Adam and his newfound wife, Eve, were in labor of their first child.

I awoke early from my past memories, so early in fact, that it was still dark. My body moved to the window in fright as I felt the cold greeting of the stone surface. I saw a figure jump here, I'm sure of it. "The stench clinging to him was very unfamiliar," I whispered aloud to myself. Turning to my bed, I began to feel light-headed, and the walls seemed to surround me. In a desperation to steady myself and clung to the window and stared into the abyss. Cold rain drenched my hair as I tried for the life of me to remember my own name. "Where am I?" I shivered.

Quietly and with caution, I opened the creaking door that led to an endless hallway. There were many wolves asleep in the torchlight that my tiptoeing did not seem to disturb. Just when the clear from the sleeping beasts was met, a scream echoed throughout the castle. Upon instinct, my head shot towards the sound that seemed to be approaching fast. "Mommy!" cried a young girl. White hair curved around her tear-stained face, and I knew she couldn't be more than six. When our eyes met, it was like my world had stopped; the sound of rain became drowned out by the sounds of her bare feet rushing towards me. Emotions enveloped me: pain, protectiveness, worry, and love. My legs were crouched to her level before I could comprehend why I felt this way. Had she called me "mommy"? I couldn't be. Lightning flashed and I hated to think what might have happened to her real mommy. A memory of a woman played in my mind. What if she was abandoned... like me? Brushing that mental picture away, I smiled sweetly towards the child. "What's your name sweetie?" I asked. The girl looked at me with concern. "Juliet," she answered. Juliet was quiet. "Are you okay? Where are we?" I almost whispered. The little girl rubbed her eyes, "We're at daddy's castle, mommy." I nodded silently towards her new name for me and took her little hand. "Where are we going?" I questioned. "Mommy sounds like she needs to see daddy," whispered Juliet.

There were many turns and stairs to be traversed before we arrived at the first truly lit room I had seen. As we approached the light leaking into the dark corridor, I couldn't help but fearfully anticipate what I might come face to face with. With a struggle, Juliet managed to open the door to the room and run into the arms of a man with a beautiful white hair and two fluffy ears. Juliet whispered to the large man and caused his ears to perk up. "Vivian," he called out for me to come closer. I flinched at the hug I was now wrapped up in. "I told you to hide yourself! Don't you know that he'll be here any second?" whispered the large man.  My heart pounded alongside the roll of thunder. "Who's coming?" I ask.

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