My Daughter

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The kitchen had a more breathable air to it than Lilith's old room in both atmosphere and smell. Many odd ingredients sat on the table in wait to be mixed into the 'false flesh favorite': Tacca Chantrieri. The dessert was a sweet 'glob' just barely baked enough to hold together. Xiana began to grind some cattails in her mortar while Juliet watched. "Mmm... It looks so yummy!" hummed the little werewolf as her ears popped up for the hundredth time. "Black bat flowers smell so good," she added while licking her lips. Xiana smiled at the child's comment before reminding her to put her ears away. "You'll be eating your own fur if you shift every time you see something tasty," the vampire jokingly shook a finger. Juliet blushed in embarrassment and went back to mixing the mushed pine plants and black berries into the batter. Xiana smiled and ruffled Juliet's hair before going to fetch a tray for the oven. Although bonding with her to-be sister-in-law was great fun, and the girls were having a wonderful time together, Xiana couldn't help but think of the seriousness of the situation. The young girl had yet to know the fullness of Amiana's condition, but the aura of everyone who had seemed dull.

In the East Wing, the adults were having one of their more unpleasant times. Arlot had yet to arrive back from his visit to Amiana's room, and thus the grown-ups were without filter for their emotions. Xuario was quite possibly the most physically worked up person in the room. The vampire yelled and motioned towards the next-door room that held the comatose Amiana with rage. "What did you allow to happen to that child!" he hissed angrily. The room was full of tension and Vivian looked positively exhausted and weak while she tried to calm the situation.

"And what kind of husband are you? You allowed my sister to become kidnapped! To whom? A god, or no, perhaps rival werewolves!" screeched the vampire at Scarrden. Vivian turned towards her father in defeat and rested her head on his chest when he patted her back and sighed. "Son, we must focus on the situation at hand. Vivian's wellbeing is always a priority to me, but she is alright. I am more focused on Amiana's recovering before she changes into a human or plain rot." Vivian placed a hand over her mouth to cover a sob and Xuario became quiet. "If the Cursed Beast is allied with the being that hurt Xiana, then they have access to fairy glitter and must not be under a murder lust. Fairy glitter is, after all, a healing serum," Lucifer explained. "We can express more of our ideas once Scarrden has given Xiana an assessment and the other races are present," the tall and handsome man finished.

Xuario gritted his teeth at Scarrden with a brotherly love and protection towards his sister. The large werewolf watched as his brother-in law exited the room. Scarrden really shared the resentment of himself, but he reminded himself that he couldn't have known what was going to happen. Vivian spoke with her father and ushered him away so that she and her husband were left alone. "Xuario just has a soft spot for the children. He doesn't mean the harsh things he says," Vivian assured while rubbing her arm. Scarrden sighed in relief and pulled his wife close. "I'm so glad you're safe. I hope Lucifer is right about the situation. When I examined Amiana, I didn't see anything unexpected. I'm going to check on Xiana and Arlot now. Who can know how our son's feeling right now?" the werewolf man said. Vivian tilted her head at him and smiled faintly, "Check on Xiana first. I think Arlot needs some time with his twin. I'll sit here and wait for him to come out."

Scarrden kissed his wife and started for the kitchen and its delectable scent. "It smells extravagant in here," he announced in his deep and booming voice. "Uncle Scarrden!" exclaimed Xiana when the werewolf flashed a tired grin. "Haha! When exactly will I be able to call you my daughter?" he said cheerfully making the vampire roll her eyes. "Daddy, look at our glob!" exclaimed Juliet. "I see. Tacca Chantrieri was one of my favorite desserts when I started my apprenticeship. Why don't I get you a serving and then join you when I'm done speaking with Xia?" Scarrden bartered. Juliet grinned and shook her head.

All the while these loving events were taking place, Arlot had been speaking to his sister's lifeless body. Memories had been reminisced and future ambitions had been vocalized. The young werewolf had cried and held his twin's hand tightly in a begging fit for her to wake up. The boy couldn't even remember how much time had passed. It must have been a lot because he no longer heard his family arguing in the other room. Quietly, he sniffled and wiped his tears that had fallen to his sister's face. "You were right. I am an idiot. The world we be much better with you here instead of me, and that's why I'll bring you back if it kills me," he said hoarsely. Suddenly, a great force came over him and he was on the ground.

Vivian felt her hair stand on end and immediately burst through the door her twins were in. Xuario came from behind her with his eye's honed on the blood that pooled the ground. The vampire spun around and covered his adoptive daughter's eyes from the scene while Scarrden kept Vivian from falling. Beside the bed, Arlot and Amiana lay atop one another in an eerie stillness. The being on top began to move slowly and sob. "Wake up! Please! Oh Heavens, what did you do?" the werewolf cried before turning to the faces at the door. "Momma, he's unconscious! What do I do? I don't know what to do!" wept a silver haired girl. Vivian fell limp into her husband's arms before being lowered to the floor. Scarrden went towards his frightened and panicking daughter in disbelief. Amiana was alive in front of them.

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