Chapter 5

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The dream caught you off guard. You had immediately known it was a dream. You were standing in a field. You were not sure why you were here. Then, he appeared.

You smiled in your sleep. Your eyes met with his, green on E/C. Dream-Elliott smiled. You smiled back. No words could describe what you were feeling with Dream-Elliott here. It was same feeling you felt with Real-Elliott, but stronger, like this was a later part in your life. "Another perfect walk with my beautiful flower," Dream-Elliott said.

"Elli, where even are we?" You asked in reply. Elliott grinned.

"We're near the town, Y/N.." The scene had changed, you were in the park now. Elliott looked up. "I could tell you were smitten with me from the moment I saw you," he said.

"Is that why you flirted a bit with me...?" You didn't get an answer because the dream had ended. You lay for a bit in your bed staring up at the wall. Like that's ever gonna happen... You thought sadly. It never did in the city, anyway. But, this is a different place from the city.... Maybe he will notice me, one day. Your leg already felt much better. You did the usual and strolled off into into town. Sebastian and Sam greeted you. You gave them a warm smile.

"Hey, Y/N, where are you heading?"

"Nowhere particular, Sam," you replied. Sam gave you a look but didn't comment. "You?"
Sebastian turned slightly red.

"We're heading towards Abigail's," Sam replied, elbowing Sebastian. The purple-haired boy glared at his friend. "To play Prairie King or whatever it's called on console." You smiled.

"Well, good luck with that," you laughed. You'd played the game before at the saloon. It was a hard game.

"Thanks, we'll need it," said Sam. He put his mouth by your ear and he whispered, "I'm really just there for moral support." You giggled.

"I see," you said, glancing at Sebastian.

"What are you two giggling about?" Sebastian asked.

"Nothing in particular," Sam assured him. Sam turned back to you. "I hear Elliott's writing a book." You blinked.

"Oh, Y-Yes he is. I heard that also," you replied. "I-I wonder how it is coming along." Sam smirked.

"Seems like Sebby isn't the only one...."

"The only one what?"

"W-where did Sebby come from?!" Sebastian broke in. Sam looked at him.

"I've been at your house bef-"

"Only my mother calls me Sebby!"

"Okay then, dude, chill," Sam said. Sam turned back to you. "We should get going, see you."

"Bye," you replied. They left and you walked off. You looked around. Elliott appeared and you walked over. "Hey, Elli!"


"Crap! Uh.... S-Sorry Elliott." You were red with embarrassment. Elliott merely smiled.

"It's okay, Y/N. You can call me Elli if you want," Elliott chuckled. You glanced up at him.

"O-oh Okay then," you giggled nervously. Elliott closed his eyes. He opened them again.

"So I hear you heard about me writing a book?"

"Oh yeah! O-of course! You're the one who sent me the letter." Elliott continued smiling.

"Right, of course."

"Yeah... so...."


"So.....I should get going!"

"Oh okay then," he replied. You scurried off. You stared at the ground, feeling embarrassed. You saw Elliott was talking with Leah. Elliott seemed to dismiss something Leah said. He was smiling though. Then you caught Leah's eye, causing you to look away. Though you were pretty sure Leah already knew how you felt about the handsome writer. After catching your eye, Leah smirked to herself.

Inspiration (Elliott x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now