Chapter 11

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Three days later, you woke up. You debated whether or not to use the old pomegranate or the new one the tree produced. You eventually decided to take both. You walked down to the beach bridge. You looked at the gray bridge. It was a very special bridge to you. You walked across it. And on to the beach. You knew this beach like the back of your hand. You stopped outside Elliott's door. Should I knock? Seems appropriate. You knocked on the door and Elliott opened it. "Ah, Y/N, come in!" You walked inside. There were two people other than you and Elliott. Leah and Willy. Makes sense, you thought. "I told you it'd be small," Elliott murmured.

"It's fine Elli," you said. "I do fine with any quantity." His gaze on you lingered for a moment. "Anyway, here's your gift!" He took the basket with the two pomegranates.

"Pomegranates? Pomegranates?! Y/N I love pomegranates! Thank you for this." He grinned. He gazed down at the basket. He walked over to a table and placed the basket on it.

"Oh hey, Y/N! I see you came," Leah greeted.

"Yeah, I did. Hi Willy!"

"Hiya youngin'," Willy replied. "How ya been?"

"Fine," you replied.

"She even likes one of the residents!" Leah piped in, but not loud enough for Elliott to hear.

"Oh, ya do? It was boun' ta happen," he commented.

"Actually," you replied, blushing slightly. "It happened when I first saw him." Willy's eyes widened.

"When ya first saw 'im? Woah." Elliott returned from putting the pomegranates away.

"What are you guys talking about?" He asked, curious. You looked at him.

"Puppies! They're cute and fluffy! Everyone loves puppies!" Leah said.

"An' kittens! So cute an' fluffy!" Willy stated. You and Elliott gazed at each other.

"They were talking about puppies and kittens," you lied, assuring him. Elliott glanced at you.

"You have a dog/cat don't you?" He asked.


"Oh cool, what's its name, my flower?"

"Its name? Its name is P/N."

"My.... flower?" Leah asked herself. "Why did he call her 'my flower'? Unless..." She glanced at both of you and then smirked. She scurried away.

"Oh! That's a nice name!" Elliott replied. You gazed up at him. The handsome man looked back down at you.

"Yeah, I guess," you replied.

"Then again, he did call her a fair maiden..." Leah said to herself, far away from the group. "Hm... I wonder...."
A few hours later Elliott walked up to you. "Let's take a walk. As friends you know." The last statement seemed like more of an afterthought, but Elliott didn't seem to be aware of that fact, you however were. You two left the house. Willy and Leah had just left. The sky was pink as the sun set. You two walked in silence down to the dock. You sat on the edge of the dock and looked at the sky. You watched the sky turn to blackish-blue together and watched the first stars appear.

"The night sky is really beautiful here in Pelican Town. I never saw back in the city. Too much smoke you see." Elliott silently listened to your story.

"I agree, the night sky, looks like iced cake with white balls of fondue. Or maybe I'm just hungry." You giggled and then stood up.

"Yeah. It's getting late, I should get going." Elliott looked up at you.

"See you, Y/N," Elliott said as you left.

Inspiration (Elliott x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now