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(^ It's a commercial for L'Oréal, but... I guess she's a barista in it, so yeah. Yeah, this sentence totally didn't make sense, but what I'm trying to say is... I just thought it fitted with the story in a way. And I gotta love how none of the headers fit with the chapter itself)

Narrator's POV

The next morning, Y/N woke up by a pair of eyes staring at her. Well, technically she's been awake even before Camila, but she just kinda stayed like that, with her eyes closed, the whole time because she's too lazy to move. Also because she wanted to fall asleep again.

But that's hard to do so now when Camila's wide awake facing her, with her face merely a few inches away from her's while she's still pretending to be in her slumber.

She didn't know what the gaze at her meant, like, is it out of pity... curiosity... or whatever other reason. She didn't like people's staring. Usually, it's just not something she's comfortable with. Especially now that she can't see their eyes anymore, it's even harder to know what that person's thinking and why they're looking at her like that.

With Camila though, it didn't feel as comfortable as it normally would.

Camila, on the other hand, didn't even know that she's been staring. She's just so focused on... Okay, yeah, maybe this is staring, but she couldn't help it. She just thought that this girl in front of her was really effortlessly beautiful. And the crazy thing is, before this whole... situation happened, Camila didn't notice any of this. And a half year ago, she sure as hell wouldn't be as affected as she is right now by the fact that a girl from her English class has gone blind out of all the sudden. That sounded cruel and cold... but honestly though, it's the truth.

"You should take a picture... it'll last longer," Y/N mumbled.

Camila's eyes widened once she realized that she'd been caught, "Uh... I-i don't know what you're talking about," she mentally face-palmed herself for stuttering and shook her head, "How long have you been up?"

"I don't know. An hour or so, I think?"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"To avoid this awkward moment, but it's starting to get boring... lying in the same position and not moving at all," Y/N turned to lie on her back and shrugged, "And also, when you woke up earlier on and climbed off of me... it wasn't that hard to feel the weight off my body. You should've expected me to be awakened by that."

Camila's cheeks flushed red. So that means that Y/N knows the position they woke up to. It wasn't anything inappropriate, she just... ended up lying on top of her, and was kinda hugging the girl with all their limbs tangled together. She just happened to be a really heavy sleeper who moves a lot in her sleep. It's not something she's proud of.

Y/N's voice broke the silence that has fallen upon them, "Don't you have classes?"

"I do... but it doesn't start until... later." Camila glanced up at Y/N's still closed eyes and bit her lip. "Did you sleep well last night?" Earlier on, she's noticed the bags under the girl's eyes. It made her wonder if it was last night or from other restless nights she's had.

It was the second one, but the barista didn't have to know that. Although, Y/N's gotta admit that this was one of the most peaceful nights she's had in a long time. It's not like she's having nightmares every night or something, but just... every time she's dreaming, at some point everything will go blurry until it fades into... blackness. And every time she jolts awake, she'll hope that it's really all just a dream, that when she opens her eyes, she'll see everything very clearly just like she was once able to... but that never happens.

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