Chapter 14: Viral Videos And Romantic Nights (Isabel)

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Chapter 14: Viral Videos And Romantic Nights (Isabel)

"" I stated, jumping up and down with Regan. Jess and Niall were already asleep on the floor, Perri was laying across Zayn, both of their eyelids dropping. I'm pretty sure Dani and Liam were the smart ones who thought to actually go find a bed. But Regan and I were the geniuses who drank two monsters and started dancing in circles.

"Re, time for bed." Harry mumbled from the arm chair. Regan shook her head.

"No no no! Time to dance!" she giggled.

"Who gave them Monster?" Louis asked grabbing me around the waist and yanking on to the floor next to him.

"I'm purrrrrfectly capable of getting myself an energy drink" I laughed in short bursts and collapsed into his side.

"Is...." Regan said in a less energized voice.

"Yeah?" I asked, my voice mirroring her own. She collapsed ontop of Harry.

"I think I'm crashing..." she whined and closed her eyes.

"Me too...." I sighed and placed my head on Louis' thigh, looking up at his face.

"Go to sleep Isa," he laughed putting a piece of hair behind my ear, "you need sleep."

"I love you Louis." I smiled, my eyes shutting. There was silence for a second and I knew everyone else had fallen asleep, the only sound was even breathing.

"I love you too." he responded and pressed his lips gently to my forehead. That's exactly how I fell asleep.


"SQUIRRELS!" Louis whisper yelled in my ear. I freaked out and opened my eyes. He was still sound asleep, his head right next to mine. His mouth close to my ear. He was sleep talking. About SQUIRRELS?

"Louis!" I whispered, nudging his head with mine. He opened one eye and then sat up.

"Did the squirrels kill Harry?" he questioned, whipping his head back and forth. I grabbed either side of his face between my hands.

"Lou it was a dream. Harry's sleeping right there." I pointed to the arm chair where Regan had rolled halfway off and Harry was snoring. Louis sprung up off the floor, pushing me down and bolted over to Harry, pushing Regan to the floor and shaking Harry awake.

"YOU'RE ALIVE!" Louis screamed. Harry's eyes widened.

"Squirrel dream again?" he questioned. Louis nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine mate." Harry laughed. Nobody else was laughing as they all turned their glares on Louis. Regan's glare was insanely intense. Mine would be too if my boyfriend had knocked me to the ground. Oh wait, he did.

"I'm going to finish sleeping in our room." Regan huffed, I stood up to follow her as did Perri and Jess.

"Where's Dani?" Perri asked.

"Here." Danielle said, walking out from the bedroom. I raised my eyebrow at her and she stuck her tounge out. Well that answered that question. A no it was then.

"Let's go." Regan stated and we all followed her across the hall to our room. Dani and Perri trudged toward their bedroom while Jess collapsed on the floor. Regan walked into our room but I just sort of stumbled onto the couch. Yeah, my coordination was amazing. I had just started to get comfy when Regan decided to give me a heartattack.

"Oh my god! ISABEL! DANI! PERRI! JESS!" Regan yelled. I shot up off the couch and ran into the hotel bedroom we were sharing.

"What's wrong?! Where's the fire?!" I yelled. She looked up from her laptop and laughed at my panicked face. The other three girls appeared behind me in the doorway.

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