Chapter 22: Hospitals and Funerals (Isabel)

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Chapter 22: Hospitals and Funerals (Isabel)

"SOMEBODY HELP!" Harry shouted. It wasn't hard to hear the sheer panic in his voice. However, his next words froze me to the spot. "SOMEBODY CALL AN AMBULANCE!" He screamed. Louis' and my eyes found eachother's and we both ran to the bathroom where Harry was.

He was holding Regan in his arms, holding a towel to her wrist. The tan towel was now stained with blood and tears were flooding Harry's eyes. I could smell the blood. I hated the scent of blood.

Louis immediately pulled out his phone and called for an ambulance. He was screaming into the phone but I couldn't make out what it was he was saying. Everything was fuzzy.

I hated the sight of blood. Anything gorey or gross made me want to throw up or pass out. I just stated down at Regan. That's when I saw the razor on the floor. Why would she do that? What the hell?!


I hated hospitals. Hospitals and blood. I could handle anything else. Anything except hospitals and blood. As I sat in the waiting room, my head leaned on Louis' shoulder as we sat with her grandparents and cousin, Harry paced back and forth.

He hadn't stopped pacing ever since we were told that they had to stitch up Regan and we weren't allowed to be with her. He was going crazy. Who could blame him?

I had been mad at her for blatantly pushing me out of her way after her freakout episode on the front porch but after seeing her like she was in the bathroom all anger went away. Louis sighed and adjusted his hold on my waist.

"Harry, please stop pacing." he asked but it sounded more like a statement. I watched as Harry came to a stop infront of us.

"What do you want me to do Lou? I can't just sit still." he mumbled. I empathized with him. The poor guy thought he was losing the love of his life.

"I want you to calm down." Louis responded, gently nudging me so I would sit up. I complied.

"What would you be doing if it was Isabel in there instead of Regan? Would you be calm?" Harry protested. I glanced at Louis' face and saw his expression instantly soften.

"She's going to be okay mate. I promise. Everything is going to be fine." Louis gave a sad look as Harry huffed and sat down in one of the chairs across from us.

"Who's here with Regan..." the doctor didn't get a chance to finish. All six of us stood up and crowded over to him. "She woke up a few minutes ago and she's all stitched up but she lost a fair amount of blood so she's a bit out of it." he explained.

"Can we see her?" Harry asked impatiently. I placed a hand on his shoulder and he sighed. All he wanted to do was see with his own eyes that she was okay.

"Yes you can see her. Follow me." he led us down a long white hallway that seemed to go on forever. I was starting to feel like the walls were closing in on us when he stopped infront of an open doorway.

"Regan." Harry said softly and rushed over to the side of her bed. She gave him a weak smile.

"Hey curly. Why do you look so sad?" she seriously didn't know? Harry took her hand in his and looked down at the bandages wrapping her arm.

"Why would you do that Re?" He looked like he was about to burst into tears again. If you're wondering why the rest of the boys aren't with us, we sent them home after about two hours because the waiting room was getting crowded.

Regan frowned as she looked to where he was staring. Then she looked up at the rest of us standing in the doorway. Pain evident on all of our faces.

"I wanted to feel better." she said slowly. Yeah, and I wanted to smack her for thinking self-harm was the answer! Neither of us got what we wanted now did we?

"Regan, promise me you'll never do that again." he looked directly into her eyes. You could see how much she meant to him in just that one glance. Maybe she couldn't see it, but everyone else could.

"I promise." Re stated. Harry smiled down at her. A look of relief came over Louis' face. I looked up at him and sighed. He was so unbelievably strong. Just then he looked down at me.

"Don't ever put me through this, alright?" he kissed my forehead.

"Never." I responded and snuggled closer to him.


It was a beautiful funeral service. It truly was. All the flowers and sweet words. Regan made a speech in which she broke down crying but that was understandable.

There weren't that many people there. It wasn't supposed to be a huge fan-fair of people. Just something quiet and laid back. Something that wouldn't make Regan feel suffocated.

That's what the mental health therapist at the hospital had said she needed. She needed space to mourn. Not people around twenty-four seven who didn't give her space.

As the service came to a close I held on tightly to Danielle. I hated crying. It wasn't my thing. And my rock boyfriend was consoling his best friend. Liam didn't seem to mind that I stole his girlfriend.

I watched as they carried the casket out of the building, Regan, Louis, her grandparents, and her other relatives following behind it. Louis looked the saddest I had ever seen him.

As the seating emptied I spotted Harry walking by himself toward the exist. I quickened my pace and grabbed a hold on his arm. He looked back at me and I saw the tears in his eyes.

I knew I looked just as sad. Tears stung my eyes and I held them back. I didn't know Regan's father and neither did Harry. But seeing Regan cry, and Lou cry, was heartbreaking for both of us.

No one wants to see the person they love most in the world in pain. It's traumatizing. You can't do anything but sit there and be useless as they grieve. Harry and I looped our arms and began to leave again.

"They're going to be okay eventually, right?" I questioned, one of my tears rolling down my cheek. I heard Harry take a shakey breath.

"I hope so." he responded and we both went silent. God I hope they would be okay. I couldn't deal with this and the boy's tour started up again on Wednesday back in America.


I know it's short but it's all I really needed to write. I hope you liked it! Comment and Vote!

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